Sunday, September 21, 2014
Me, Tatijana Malacko by this post give statement that , being interrogated by the justice minister of German speaking state:
1. I have no 3 sisters but two half brothers
2.Ljerka Martinko Crnalic is NO SISTER OF MINE but together with her family my tormentor threatening my life, admitting got 30.000 euros to kill me for what amount she bought her son one room apartment in settlement TRNSKO,Zagreb, tapping my phone since 1997,stealing my mail from mail box, blocking my internet line and my phone line finishes in her apartment below my feet, for she said bought new apartment in Crnomerec where she transferred he old line, but after all she need line in this apartment too so she uses mine, benting my line to herself, being very kind to attach to my phone line 2 more tenants of the same building:Jovanovic and Kogej for which, all three I was paying phone bills as if they are mine.
3. Her husband, of Ljerka Martinko Crnalic, Jusuf Crnalic is NOT MY BROTHER IN LAW FOR SHE IS NOT MY SISTER
Please take it as my statement at the trial you will hopefully start soon for what I do thank you.
Sincerely yours, Princess of Mecklenburg Voppomern von Strelitz Tatijana Malacko
Monday, July 14, 2014
THE OBSERVER, Sunday 6 July 2014
Antibiotic resistance: only global co-operation will succeed against this deadliest of threats
a quarter of a century, the drugs industry has focused on more
lucrative projects. Now governments must pull together and take
concerted action
author: Observer Editorial Desk
The above article does not offers the discussion to the topic, its only marking it. The problem emphasized the PM David Cameron, in his newly speech, warning us all.
Since me and my students colleagues listening lessons of the dr. prof. Djokic at our Technology Faculty University of Zagreb, 1970, ( The Faculty produced two Nobel Prize winners in chemistry:Ruzicka and Prelog)had the seminary work of translating the literature for our professor who, based on it created AZITROMYCIN, with two more colleagues in our farmaceutical factory Pliva, Zagreb laboratories, I feel a sort of involved in matter.
But this theme does truly request more attention, for this can explode like a worlds problem No. 1, very soon or maybe it is approaching us already, but we are only not aware of it.
Being highly concerned about GM technology, that I started to follow ever since the Easter chocolate rabbits 'Lindt' disappeared from the shelves of the Tengelmann market in Spring 1996, asking a woman at cashier desk, what happened to them, she said she does not know it, but only heard that '...there are some gift found in it...'
I started to read the rare articles in the German papers about GM products, for I lived there then, and they were truly rare, for by that times we lived happily our lives fed by crops that were cultivated in conventional way, more or less...
For on our market shelves, put on sale since 1994, at that times we were already consuming the GM tomato called 'flavr savr', but we only did not know that. And the scientists were giving statements from time to time that the product is perfectly safe, as safe as the conventionally cultivated products
If so, why it disappeared from the market shelves by now???!
What was in it that does not meet today food standards?!?
No reply.
What then affects our immune system, disabling it, what makes the antibiotic resistance today?
If I say that is our food, would you trust me? Perhaps not.
But why not to check it, to see from where the danger comes out of it???
I recall the test made in London in July 2001, the students volunteers took just one meal of GM food, having only one glass of Coke to drink with the meal.
The results showed changes to the stomach wall, done by just one meal of GM ' food'.
So how we put ourselves in the situation like that? Its a long story full of scandals, manipulation, politics, financial interests, greed.
The tests of Dr. Arpad Pusztai with the GM potato that damaged digestive system, stunted growth, and affected immune system will follow in several years, after the chocolate rabbits jumped down from the shelves 1996; 1998, they were announced in Granada TV but the conductor of the test will be accused of mixing up data and lost his work place in laboratory of The Rowett Institute, Scotland...
The colleagues of dr. Arpad Pusztai who conducted the same tests got the same results.
This was the sign that something is wrong with the potato...
True, the clouds on the horizon started to gather already 1989, when the producer of L-tryptophan, the Japanese company Showa-Denko changed only one component in production process, introducing the GM product instead, that caused 37 dead consumer and over 1500 of severe damaged health, remained crippled for life time.
Still, 1992 FDA equalized GM products to conventional, not providing ANY test to give evidences about.
For the food is food, isn't it, what should be tested about, after all...
1994, in USA, introducing the Bowine growth hormone into the treatment of cows to get more milk, the results were published 2000, September 13th, by Mr. Robert Cohen, showed increased citizen's morbidity of over 2000 pct in both sexes, on lymphoma, causing as well increased prostate, breast cancer, increased spleen, colon cancer cases..
1997 on the FAO WORKSHOP, in Prague, the participants were alerted to strictly stick to the precautionary measures when dealing with GM technology, to preserve the own health.
Fine, what they put in our food when they have to strictly follow instruction to protect their health, but we must eat it, so what the protective measures we have to apply to?
No answer, for the food is food, isn't it?
But, 1998, The Medical Chamber of Germany together with Greenpeace, Germany at the press conference gave statement about that GM food products, such as Novartis corn may cause the antibiotic resistance to the mostly prescribed antibiotics such as: Ampicilin, Amoxicilin and various Penicillins, whose prescription in Germany, three years ago( 1996) was on the level of 12 millions.
In the year when the report was announced, Novartis exported to Germany the GM corn seeds in quantity for seeding 350 hectars...
Gen expert of Greenpeace, dr. Jan van Acken asked for Novartis to reveal to whom they sold out their GM seeds to be removed from the environment.
1998 the crops with antibiotic resistance were forbidden in England, Norway, the import to Austria and Luxemburg banned.
The State Central Commission for Biological Security of Germany, after that, issued recommendation to avoid in future putting genes into plants that brings antibiotic resistance, denied at the same time the GM potato license for sale having gen antibiotic resistance incorporated.
Having seen that in our country, the danger coming out of GM products is underrated, I have asked for meeting with our Health Minister, Mrs. Stavljenic-Rukavina.
After a while I got invitation to meet Health Vice Minister Mr. Afric. The meeting took place March 7th 2001, in their rooms on Xaver hills. To the meeting participated Dr. Capak, the head of Institute for Public Health Croatia, who, after I explained why I asked for meeting said that there is no danger coming out of GM products for in the USA people do accept them, and I have all of that made up only to attract the attention, for then, already, I was writing about problems the GM products were bringing for the third year, and dr. Capak thought that I am only a sort of trouble maker.
Having seen no computor in that space, and anticipating the situation like that, I have printed some news from internet such as the protest of USA citizens against Star Link GM maize in their tacos, the one with resistance to the antibiotic gens too.
I had also the Press report of Greenpeace, Germany from September 8th 1998, saying as written above and showed it to dr. Capak.
To the bottom of the copy I have written that: Dr. Capak thoroughly read that report.
I also brought the booklet TRUE FOOD NOW, where was, in October 2000 printed the shopping list for the USA consumers with recommendation which product from the certain producer consists of GM raw materials, which one does not have it, and the ones that are phasing out GM materials.
Still, our meeting did not move from the stand point that was disbelief, so I stood up and said:' Gentleman, I will continue my work on this level, and you may trust what you want...'
Second meeting never took place.
So, these facts we knew already 16 years ago. It means we knew what causes resistance. We knew what problem will arise if we close our eyes and neglect it.
Exactly that happened: we closed eyes, neglected problem and now the world problem of antibiotic resistance rolls over and we do not know how to solve it.
But we might do it, when the evil was still in roots. Now its, became the giant, and I fully agree with the author of the article, that the global action is needed, for the evaluation that this is the deadliest threat is not at all the exaggeration...
For GM products are grown all over the world, the countries who declared NO GM ZONES, have done good but useless attempt to protects the citizens from GM, for wind blows and carries the GM pollen hundreds thousands kilometers around( see article in The Guardian on pollution the air by the Sahara sand) and declaring the distance between GM and conventionally grown crops of 800 meters I found grotesque, for it brings NOTHING!
One evidence to above, is the Bavarian honey, produced in clean surrounding with no GM crop fields around but polluted by GM pollen blown into by neighbor country, and by that, the honey lost the label 'organic' because the GM pollen was found in it.
The confirmation of above words, pollution by blown GM pollen into conventionally cultivated crops, knows the best Mr. Percy Schmeiser from Canada who lost the process against Monsanto being accused for stealing Monsanto's technology, only for wind blew the GM pollen from GM maize fields to their maize fields...
All written above is only the top of iceberg, we did not come in our discussion( for if I would, this will not be the article if I will write all I know, but NY phone book) to danger coming out from the mosaic viruses of cauliflower or tobacco, both retro viruses, we did not mentioned transfer of gens and viruses from plants to bees, to humans; hot spots of altered DNA that are easily breaching and attaching to...???
The answer will not come from the creators of gen technology alteration for simple reason why: they do not know it!
Our today stand point is bad. But it will turn into catastrophe if we close the eyes again...
Who said that the evil to happen to, are needed only the good people doing NOTHING.
Or you like more the other, the Japanese one: the science is two cut sword: one cut the progress path forwards and the other cuts our roots.
For the last is exactly what the GM technology brought to us.
author: Observer Editorial Desk
The above article does not offers the discussion to the topic, its only marking it. The problem emphasized the PM David Cameron, in his newly speech, warning us all.
Since me and my students colleagues listening lessons of the dr. prof. Djokic at our Technology Faculty University of Zagreb, 1970, ( The Faculty produced two Nobel Prize winners in chemistry:Ruzicka and Prelog)had the seminary work of translating the literature for our professor who, based on it created AZITROMYCIN, with two more colleagues in our farmaceutical factory Pliva, Zagreb laboratories, I feel a sort of involved in matter.
But this theme does truly request more attention, for this can explode like a worlds problem No. 1, very soon or maybe it is approaching us already, but we are only not aware of it.
Being highly concerned about GM technology, that I started to follow ever since the Easter chocolate rabbits 'Lindt' disappeared from the shelves of the Tengelmann market in Spring 1996, asking a woman at cashier desk, what happened to them, she said she does not know it, but only heard that '...there are some gift found in it...'
I started to read the rare articles in the German papers about GM products, for I lived there then, and they were truly rare, for by that times we lived happily our lives fed by crops that were cultivated in conventional way, more or less...
For on our market shelves, put on sale since 1994, at that times we were already consuming the GM tomato called 'flavr savr', but we only did not know that. And the scientists were giving statements from time to time that the product is perfectly safe, as safe as the conventionally cultivated products
If so, why it disappeared from the market shelves by now???!
What was in it that does not meet today food standards?!?
No reply.
What then affects our immune system, disabling it, what makes the antibiotic resistance today?
If I say that is our food, would you trust me? Perhaps not.
But why not to check it, to see from where the danger comes out of it???
I recall the test made in London in July 2001, the students volunteers took just one meal of GM food, having only one glass of Coke to drink with the meal.
The results showed changes to the stomach wall, done by just one meal of GM ' food'.
So how we put ourselves in the situation like that? Its a long story full of scandals, manipulation, politics, financial interests, greed.
The tests of Dr. Arpad Pusztai with the GM potato that damaged digestive system, stunted growth, and affected immune system will follow in several years, after the chocolate rabbits jumped down from the shelves 1996; 1998, they were announced in Granada TV but the conductor of the test will be accused of mixing up data and lost his work place in laboratory of The Rowett Institute, Scotland...
The colleagues of dr. Arpad Pusztai who conducted the same tests got the same results.
This was the sign that something is wrong with the potato...
True, the clouds on the horizon started to gather already 1989, when the producer of L-tryptophan, the Japanese company Showa-Denko changed only one component in production process, introducing the GM product instead, that caused 37 dead consumer and over 1500 of severe damaged health, remained crippled for life time.
Still, 1992 FDA equalized GM products to conventional, not providing ANY test to give evidences about.
For the food is food, isn't it, what should be tested about, after all...
1994, in USA, introducing the Bowine growth hormone into the treatment of cows to get more milk, the results were published 2000, September 13th, by Mr. Robert Cohen, showed increased citizen's morbidity of over 2000 pct in both sexes, on lymphoma, causing as well increased prostate, breast cancer, increased spleen, colon cancer cases..
1997 on the FAO WORKSHOP, in Prague, the participants were alerted to strictly stick to the precautionary measures when dealing with GM technology, to preserve the own health.
Fine, what they put in our food when they have to strictly follow instruction to protect their health, but we must eat it, so what the protective measures we have to apply to?
No answer, for the food is food, isn't it?
But, 1998, The Medical Chamber of Germany together with Greenpeace, Germany at the press conference gave statement about that GM food products, such as Novartis corn may cause the antibiotic resistance to the mostly prescribed antibiotics such as: Ampicilin, Amoxicilin and various Penicillins, whose prescription in Germany, three years ago( 1996) was on the level of 12 millions.
In the year when the report was announced, Novartis exported to Germany the GM corn seeds in quantity for seeding 350 hectars...
Gen expert of Greenpeace, dr. Jan van Acken asked for Novartis to reveal to whom they sold out their GM seeds to be removed from the environment.
1998 the crops with antibiotic resistance were forbidden in England, Norway, the import to Austria and Luxemburg banned.
The State Central Commission for Biological Security of Germany, after that, issued recommendation to avoid in future putting genes into plants that brings antibiotic resistance, denied at the same time the GM potato license for sale having gen antibiotic resistance incorporated.
Having seen that in our country, the danger coming out of GM products is underrated, I have asked for meeting with our Health Minister, Mrs. Stavljenic-Rukavina.
After a while I got invitation to meet Health Vice Minister Mr. Afric. The meeting took place March 7th 2001, in their rooms on Xaver hills. To the meeting participated Dr. Capak, the head of Institute for Public Health Croatia, who, after I explained why I asked for meeting said that there is no danger coming out of GM products for in the USA people do accept them, and I have all of that made up only to attract the attention, for then, already, I was writing about problems the GM products were bringing for the third year, and dr. Capak thought that I am only a sort of trouble maker.
Having seen no computor in that space, and anticipating the situation like that, I have printed some news from internet such as the protest of USA citizens against Star Link GM maize in their tacos, the one with resistance to the antibiotic gens too.
I had also the Press report of Greenpeace, Germany from September 8th 1998, saying as written above and showed it to dr. Capak.
To the bottom of the copy I have written that: Dr. Capak thoroughly read that report.
I also brought the booklet TRUE FOOD NOW, where was, in October 2000 printed the shopping list for the USA consumers with recommendation which product from the certain producer consists of GM raw materials, which one does not have it, and the ones that are phasing out GM materials.
Still, our meeting did not move from the stand point that was disbelief, so I stood up and said:' Gentleman, I will continue my work on this level, and you may trust what you want...'
Second meeting never took place.
So, these facts we knew already 16 years ago. It means we knew what causes resistance. We knew what problem will arise if we close our eyes and neglect it.
Exactly that happened: we closed eyes, neglected problem and now the world problem of antibiotic resistance rolls over and we do not know how to solve it.
But we might do it, when the evil was still in roots. Now its, became the giant, and I fully agree with the author of the article, that the global action is needed, for the evaluation that this is the deadliest threat is not at all the exaggeration...
For GM products are grown all over the world, the countries who declared NO GM ZONES, have done good but useless attempt to protects the citizens from GM, for wind blows and carries the GM pollen hundreds thousands kilometers around( see article in The Guardian on pollution the air by the Sahara sand) and declaring the distance between GM and conventionally grown crops of 800 meters I found grotesque, for it brings NOTHING!
One evidence to above, is the Bavarian honey, produced in clean surrounding with no GM crop fields around but polluted by GM pollen blown into by neighbor country, and by that, the honey lost the label 'organic' because the GM pollen was found in it.
The confirmation of above words, pollution by blown GM pollen into conventionally cultivated crops, knows the best Mr. Percy Schmeiser from Canada who lost the process against Monsanto being accused for stealing Monsanto's technology, only for wind blew the GM pollen from GM maize fields to their maize fields...
All written above is only the top of iceberg, we did not come in our discussion( for if I would, this will not be the article if I will write all I know, but NY phone book) to danger coming out from the mosaic viruses of cauliflower or tobacco, both retro viruses, we did not mentioned transfer of gens and viruses from plants to bees, to humans; hot spots of altered DNA that are easily breaching and attaching to...???
The answer will not come from the creators of gen technology alteration for simple reason why: they do not know it!
Our today stand point is bad. But it will turn into catastrophe if we close the eyes again...
Who said that the evil to happen to, are needed only the good people doing NOTHING.
Or you like more the other, the Japanese one: the science is two cut sword: one cut the progress path forwards and the other cuts our roots.
For the last is exactly what the GM technology brought to us.
Friday, July 11, 2014
above article written by Mr. Karl Mathiesen produced my below comment:
Tatijana Malacko
Tatijana Malacko
I am very sorry reading about above N02 pollution in Oxford
Street, for I do believe it was measured there like that, but it does
not mean that the other streets and parts of town are clean of it.
If I say that nitrogen dioxide reacts with humidity in the air following path:
NO2 +H2O = H2NO3
giving one of the strongest inorganic acid, I said all what people have to know!
For by inhaling 1 cubic meter of the air there,should I put poison instead the air ?,the people there are inhaling actually 135 micrograms of pure nitrogen acid that severely damages human lungs irreversibly.
If the NO2 did not reacted with the humidity of the air building nitrogen acid, there is still time to do so in the lungs of the people, for lungs are wet media...
Having in mind the capacity of the people's lungs that are several liters, from 2,5 l-4 l, and one liter is 1 decimeter cubic space, you can easily calculate the exposure to that deadly poison, having in mind how long you have walked in there.
Mothers, do avoid walking around with your babies!
And be alerted that safe limit of NO2 in the air is as the safe radioactivity in the environment, it says ZERO!
For very low content in the air, of NO2 in the adults can produce damages that are, I repeat irreversible, for the alveolus that are exposed to breaching no magic stick can recreate them again.
The horror scenario in the tiny baby lungs I do not want even to think about.
So keep in mind that the long exposure to this poison even at the low level can still produce huge damages, not mentioning short exposure to the high levels.
Once entered to the lungs, poison or crude particles of the air stays there, only small amount is possible to remove by coughing...
The each injury of lung tissue can be trigger for the cancer, emphysema...
So, this is the link between the lung diseases and pollution, that is marching on to the topic position of the lethal diseases in the EACH COUNTRY OF THE GLOBE...
Please keep in mind that the diesel engines are NOT ONLY TO BE BLAMED FOR, the refineries donate a great deal of nitrogen compounds into the air but fossil fuels combustion too, not mentioning the extreme situation such as the volcano eruptions but they are possible too.
UPDATE July 11th 2014:
IARC= International Agency for Research Cancer has put Outdoor Air Pollution into first group of CARCINOGENIC , by its volume 109, the work is still in preparation.
If I say that nitrogen dioxide reacts with humidity in the air following path:
NO2 +H2O = H2NO3
giving one of the strongest inorganic acid, I said all what people have to know!
For by inhaling 1 cubic meter of the air there,should I put poison instead the air ?,the people there are inhaling actually 135 micrograms of pure nitrogen acid that severely damages human lungs irreversibly.
If the NO2 did not reacted with the humidity of the air building nitrogen acid, there is still time to do so in the lungs of the people, for lungs are wet media...
Having in mind the capacity of the people's lungs that are several liters, from 2,5 l-4 l, and one liter is 1 decimeter cubic space, you can easily calculate the exposure to that deadly poison, having in mind how long you have walked in there.
Mothers, do avoid walking around with your babies!
And be alerted that safe limit of NO2 in the air is as the safe radioactivity in the environment, it says ZERO!
For very low content in the air, of NO2 in the adults can produce damages that are, I repeat irreversible, for the alveolus that are exposed to breaching no magic stick can recreate them again.
The horror scenario in the tiny baby lungs I do not want even to think about.
So keep in mind that the long exposure to this poison even at the low level can still produce huge damages, not mentioning short exposure to the high levels.
Once entered to the lungs, poison or crude particles of the air stays there, only small amount is possible to remove by coughing...
The each injury of lung tissue can be trigger for the cancer, emphysema...
So, this is the link between the lung diseases and pollution, that is marching on to the topic position of the lethal diseases in the EACH COUNTRY OF THE GLOBE...
Please keep in mind that the diesel engines are NOT ONLY TO BE BLAMED FOR, the refineries donate a great deal of nitrogen compounds into the air but fossil fuels combustion too, not mentioning the extreme situation such as the volcano eruptions but they are possible too.
UPDATE July 11th 2014:
IARC= International Agency for Research Cancer has put Outdoor Air Pollution into first group of CARCINOGENIC , by its volume 109, the work is still in preparation.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
CROATIA ALIVE, June 30th this year, approx. 5.30 PM.
The leader of the broadcasting program, Mr. Novokmet is interviewing Mr. Davorin Stern, subtitle says he is 'Oil expert'. They are talking about Russian offers to Croatia, gas and oil companies in Russia, our missed chance to join so called the 'South Flow', for we still can get chance to join...
I always listen to, what Mr. Stern has to talk to, for his points of view are from time to time a bit strange, for inst. when he said in broadcast 'Latinica' that the people of Istrian Fazana and surrounding got a good chance for getting job in one of the hotels that the investor wanted to build there, so from the owners, they will turn into servants, good chance, isn't it???
I waited to get info about LNG terminals on the island Krk, but they did not touched the theme, or maybe I did not watched it when they did. Anyway, I did not get what I expected to, but instead I heard again his words that'...Croatia rejected the FANTASTIC OFFER OF DRUZB - ADRIA
from which offer Rijeka refinery could have well lived for 20-30 years...'
I do not doubt into the knowledge and expert skills of Mr. Davorin Stern, I do believe that he knows far more about the matter he is talking about.
My modest knowledge, warns me about his words.
Mr. Stern and me once, during our studies shared the same faculty building, ugly and cold building, in Zagreb, Pierotti str. 4, as well some subjects such the Christalography we shared with the students of the Miner, Oil and Geology faculty too.
Just by chance, Mr. Julian Malacko was teaching 'The Machine Elements', there, and Mr. Paul Malacko was the student, colleague of Mr. Stern, later spent the all his work life with the company Naftaplin ( Oil&Gas), that joined to INA( Industry of Oil), from which Mr. Stern was the general manager, early 2000-ies.
Mr. Paul Malacko was on his work place when, 1992, The Serbian Army shelled facility in Ivanic Grad, the shell fell only 12 m away of the building he was in.
Taking words of Mr. Stern under the magnifying glass, I recall talks with Mr. Paul Malacko, being said that the Russian oil has the high content of sulphur for due that fact this oil is difficult for processing in the refineries, so as for drilling: sulphur together with aliphatic compounds are blocking the pipes and drilling equipment so the team solves the problem by over boiling water injected under the pressure.
Processing of the Russian oil in the refineries faces the problems that we already have in Slavonski brod, unsolved by now.
The question is: do we need one more Slavonski brod problem in this country???
The environment is polluted by the all by products of refinery process: all sulphur compounds, nitrogen compounds, phosporous compounds...
The worst nightmare of the engineer of chemistry is certainly H2S, belonging to the first group of poisons, such as HBr, or better known HCN, used as the notorious poison 'Cyklon' in poisoning detainees in concentration camps during II WW.
Not less harmful is S02 that inhaled, with H20 gives H2S03, that is not that strong acid as its sister H2S04, but still enough strong to damage sensitive lung tissue and cause irreparable damages to it, to the eyes too
H2S is easily detectable by odor of the rotten eggs, but H2S03 is odorless...
Of course, apart of above mentioned inorganic compounds, not less harm are benzene, and its condensated compounds such as anthracene, phenantrene... but all are carcinogenic.
Ms. Vesna S. from Varazdin, having her first cousin living in Slavonski brod, told me how her cousin faces the problems of changing the exit doors each several years for they got swollen, no one can explain that mystery.
So, let us try to see what happens there: particles of sulphure compounds, nitrogen and phosporous, oxydes, and mixed by humidity from the air produce acids that are dissolving wood tissue, making small holes in the wooden tissue of the doors, producing gaseous products of dissolving that makes the doors swollen. Perhaps metal doors would lasts longer...
I am mentioning this doors problem to the underlining the seriousness the environmental situation there, for if the wood reacts like that, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE HUMAN HEALTH THEN??!
Now, having in mind the air pollution of Slavonski brod and near by Bosanski brod where is that notorious refinery located, that is NOT the only pollution, but soil and waters are polluted too, does OFFER OF DRUZB-ADRIA SOUNDS AS THE FANTASTIC ONE, judge for yourself.
My opinion is that this offer was bad, and still is from the following reasons why:
1.Kvarner, Istria and Primorje are well known as the touristic destination. For inst. island Losinj has over 100 years old touristic tradition.
Poisoning & tourism goes NOT' hand in hand'!
2.'Maestral' wind blow toxic by product gases and fumes towards the Primorje places such as Novi Vinodolski, Selce, Crikvenica...
'Bura' wind blow them towards Gorski Kotar whose forestry is so precious for Croatia that the all Gorski Kotar has to be declared as a national park such as Yellowstone for inst.
North East wind blows toxic gases towards Kvarner islands, that are according to the words of Mr. Pirsic, the head of EKO KVARNER, responsible for the increase cancer cases on the islands.
3.The toxic gases by which the residents of Bakar sound were choking by for decades, from the facility of cox making once was in there, are still fresh in memories of the citizens, more poisoning they simply do not want.
4.The aging of the oil pipe-lines that are numbering almost 40 years are proportionally growing by aging. I recall having read about reported over 300 breaking pipe-lines, back a decade ago, but such a reports are no more in papers although the safety measures even being increaced, can do little on avoiding accidents for they simply do happen.
So, facing them, what can the owner of the pipeline does?!
Have you, Mr. Stern, during your managing company at the times of accidents happened, sent the equipment to remove polluted layers of the soil? Just ONCE???
Have your took care for PERMANENT supply of the drinking water for the local residents for, the pollution by the oil is PERMANENT POLLUTION, and stays on the location that happened FOR GOOD.
I recall TV report on the pollution of the river Pakra, done by some funny, plastic barriers placed on the surface of the waters, the flow of waters turn them aside and the pollution was flowing away and spreading further...
FRANKLY, it would be BETTER NOT TO SHOW such a unsuccessful attempt of removal oil slack...
1980, during summer vacation, I walked on the beach of Cres, where to we came by so called 'rubber boat' , as far as Cunski is on Losinj, but opposite side on near by Cres. Seeing the plateau above, I climbed up and almost fainted. Instead seeing some plantation I expected, in front of me was the HUGE LAKE OF OIL! From whome was it, who placed it there, how long was there, there was no one to give reply. I have asked the local residents about, they did not know for the oil lake in their neighborhood...
The only good was, conditionally, that this part of island Cres has no water sources nor known underground rivers so pollution of waters may be not occurred...
For during communism, the papers were forbidden to report about the taboo themes such as the sharks in Adriatic Sea, but obviously the accidents too...
5. During the drought times that are lasting for several months and luckily they are not often, the river inflowing into Adriatic Sea, some of them are turning into creeks and the reversible process of flowing back the Sea waters inside river banks sometimes happen.
In the case of accident, the polluted Sea waters can irreversibly pollute estuaries, under-ground flows and rivers and by it the Sea cities would lose their water supply for good. Bad scenario...
Since we are NOT ABLE to solve the pollution of Slavonski brod, for refinery belongs to other state, and obviously we did not removed pollution by accidents by now, do we need to increase pollution on that pearls of nature that remained clean still???
We must realize that accidents are happening, the pollution occurre around each refinery from Alaska to Kamchatka, all over the world.
The each oil has mentioned compounds more or less.
The air pollutions, the soil pollution,the waters pollutions are environmental problems of the EACH REFINERY.
For once released by products in the air by processing the oil, the hot toxic gases and fumes comes down sooner or later by simple physical process of cooling and cover and pollute soil, waters, sea, lakes, forests, cities...
Worsening the environmental cleanness in Kvarner & Primorje can have bad influence to the tourism, for it will bonce off the tourists. Croatian authorities obviously wants to keep them both, the refinery and the tourism, and this is possible only if the environmental pollution WILL NOT ADVANCE, for processing the Russian oil, it certainly would.
The sensitive dynamic equilibrium has a passable note, as yet.
From above reasons why, sorry Mr. Davor Stern, I DO NT ACCEPT YOUR STATEMENT THAT DRUZB-ADRIA PROJECT OFFER, WAS '...THE FANTASTIC OFFER...' for Rijeka refinery.
PS: FIAT IUSTITIA PEREAT MUNDUS, is the old Latin sentence that means: To be the justice, even world drops...
I found yesterday, July 14th 2014 the stale article from Jutarnji list, dated January 8th 2005, by Mate Piskor, under the title: RESIDENTS OF SISAK POISONED BY CANCEROGENIC GAS BENZENE
Although the title does not reflex the truth, for there are many others poisons that are poisoning them, for inst. mercury from the thermal power plant chimneys too, the article say that in the first days of January, one hour after midnight, the concentration of benzene in the air was 60 units on the measuring scale, and the highest tolerance is 5 units.( Such a high dose stepped over tolerance level 12 times, that is pure murder attempt! comment tatijanablogger)
But by the day the situation was not much better for there were measured 26,11 units on the scale, in the cubic meter of the air, that is over-stepping maximum tolerance level over 5 times.
Christmas wishing the residents of Sisak got on the Christmas Eve, when the maximum tolerance level was 11 times higher...
Due to violence of the tolerance level of H2S in the air, the Sisak Crime Court temporarily banned Russian highly sulphured oil processing in the refinery.( not written since when?), and against the refinery management of the refinery there was the process at the same court for benzene poisoning.
The chief of the Working Group for Environmental Protection of the refinery, Gordana Krakar said, that this values are not marking only the refinery pollution but due to the closeness, the road traffic pollution. as well as pollution from the steal factory and thermal power plant.
Above data, although stale, I posted only to prove that all above written in the above article is true, for the other refineries are having such problems too, and since the prosecution measures are undertaken, it means that The Sisak Court has those evidences archived,and upon the request they may be presented.So, nothing in the article was made up or is product of fiction.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Watching nano scientific news of German program '3 sat' last week I received news with disapproval about building Finland's nuke plant in Baltic Sea.
I am not very happy that the land of millions lakes has chosen option 'go nuke'.
From the following reasons why:
1.-well known reason that the safest of them, is NOT safe at all
2.-attempt of convincing us that Thorium nukes are safe than Uranium is not true for releasing alpha radiation in process of nuke decomposing this two processes are flowing into one.
3.-Baltic Sea is actually a sort of very big lake and Sea makes it only salty waters: the closeness of it will make only that the accumulated radioactivity will NOT be diluted by the Atlantic Sea waters and by the time, the life in it will collapse.
But, I still will not be forced to write this article down if I would not read in face book post from Canadian girl who posted the benefits of application of sodium bicarbonate saying that it can remove radioactivity.
As if only could!
By this I realized how little nowadays people knows about radioactivity and its harmfulness.
For inst. I traveled with the two US citizens, the chemists, at work in Basel. I did not asked them where they do work but somehow we got to topic 'radioactivity' and my instinct forced me to ask them do they know what is the 'secondary radioactivity'.
They did not.
So, if chemists do not know basic information about the radioactivity, how can we expect the average citizen would know that.
But knowing it or not, does not make any difference for those who decided to built nukes DO NOT ASK AVERAGE CITIZENS ABOUT IT, DO THEY AGREE OR NOT...
For if they would not, what still difference does it make?!
Let's see what happened with the PETITION AGAINST GM FOOD, signed by over million citizens of EU and handed to the EU minister of health December 9th 2010.
For the EC of EU newly, brought decision to leave right about seeding GM crops to the EU states.
It means for ins. that if Croatia decides to go GM, Hungary decides to go NO GM, the Hungarian fields will be anyway polluted by the GM pollen from the Croatian fields, for this pollen can fly thousands kilometers away...
I am asking myself are they aware what they are deciding???!
It seems just like digression, but its not. I just wanted to show that the will of the citizens of EU is disrespected, what ever topic is.
Concerning energy situation in Europe, please start praying for the mild winter for we will all be freezing. For dreams about cheap Russian gas has kept us far away from the reality.
The reality is that Putin sold Russian gas to China.
Was it lesson on teaching naughty student good manners we violated putting our sympathy on the Ukraine side in Russian aggression to Crimea I will not think about for I understand that the quantities of gas are limited by the drilling possibilities...
I may not be right if I haven't seen the dispute of Gazprom and Netgaz, two gas suppliers, for obviously Gazprom wants Netgaz satisfy needs in gas there where Gazprom will not be able, and Netgaz unfortunately has its own customers and contracts to fill them so can not accept demand.
What does it means to EU?
No good, I am afraid, for demand on gas supply may complicate demand of industry. If industry goes without, I am afraid to think further scenario on lack of gas....
I hope we will be able to avoid the Rumanian syndrome: during the Csauscescu regime, the homes of citizens were left unheated during winter...
Some country may turn to own energy sources.
Living for some time in Germany somehow I know their situation the best, for Germany, so as the whole EU went solar, but not enough.
Germany turn to wind, that is very good.
But Germany has to go geothermal more than by now.
For knowing fact that a great deal of Germany lays on the former volcano, that still supplies a lot of geothermal sources from the French border almost to the North, this energy must be used everywhere where is it possible!
Yes, Germany went nuke too, being known for the first nuke European accident back to 70-es...
Since that time comes out badges: Atomkraft? NEIN, DANKE!
that say: Nuke? NO, thank you...
But, Germany granted us one of the first environmental activists Petra Kelly so as Joska Fischer. Who knows what good could she bring to us, if she only lived longer...
So apart the above alternative sources, what can we else do not to find us in cold apartments amidst winter?
When our President Stjepan Mesic came from the trip to Saudi Arabia and Emirates with the proposal about NLG Terminals that has to be risen up on our island Krk, the greens stood against, for at decompressing of the gas, that is a strong thermical reaction, there will be the Sea temperatures under-cooled and damage Sea life.
Apart the Adria gas basins, from which one, the 'Ivana' is already in use, by ENI, there are at least two such basins that could be exploited. But for that the not cheap investments are needed.
This two are the closest destination from which Europe can get the gas supply in case of lack of supply of the Russian gas.
If anyone have better idea, please let us discuss it, for we are heading towards summer, but by the winter Europe must assure alternations to Russian gas, for not doing it by now, was a sort of irresponsible.
For once we survived sparing program on electricity, by switching it of, and frankly I would not recommend it again...
I am asking myself WHY I AM NOT SURPRISED:
Major Ukraine gas pipeline hit by blast
A major pipeline in Ukraine carrying gas from Russia to the rest of Europe has been hit by a blast.
Flames could be seen erupting from the
Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod Pipeline in central Ukraine. No one was reported
injured by the explosion.It is not clear what caused the blast. European and Russian companies said gas exports to the EU were not affected....
On Monday, Ukraine said Russia had cut off gas supplies to the country following a dispute over gas payments.
Out of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue.There were reports of two smaller blasts before the explosion. Da
Friday, May 30, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
What kills 3000 Australians per year?
There's a silent killer that targets over 3000 disadvantaged Australians each year. What it is will surprise you.
Tatijana Malacko
I am not surprised reading it. Nor the Aussie air is less cleaner than anywhere in the world. What kills the most USA citizen? The same reason why!
The respiratory diseases are the world wide number one !
We can not stop factory producing goods for we need them.
The car fuel can be less polluting environments: there is gossip that there is patent for car driven by water.True or false, I do not know.
We have in our country the stations recording level of the sulphuric compounds in the air, number the crude particles per square meter, etc... but this is only recording the facts.
Few years ago in the papers there was a small articles about, that in the China pollution of the air is so difficult problem that right to have cleaner the air had only the communist party highly positioned politician. How did they do it, its a bit misty to me, probably they got the apartments in green surroundings...
Again, I repeat it again, that due to my life time, back a half century,the rain forest of Brasilia, famous Matto Grosso shrinked 2/3 of its size.
The lungs of our planet lost their capacity to breath 2/3 of its volume, for the known level of cca 21 pct of oxygen in the air comes exactly from the green 'factories' the trees, using CO2 in the synthesis of chlorophylle...
Now, knowing the facts, that are only worsening from day to day, for, do not forget that we, humans use O2 and exhale CO2, and this is done by 7 bill. citizens of this planet, the number will be only growing..., THERE IS NO TIME FOR DISCUSSIONS, this we left in last century, but we must ACT!
The only solution to the problem is THE FORESTATION, as sooner then better.
Yes, the Australian central territory is waterless and not suitable for growing anything.
But, is it truly so?
I have seen what the Israelis did in Negev desert and I was truly touched by it.
They planted tamarica trees that on the leaves produce salt, during the night the air is cooling, the humidity from the air is caught by the salt, and the trees are supplied through out the leaves by supply of water for its growth.
The Negev desert is as waterless as the Australian central territory, the sooner they will start the forestation there, the sooner the quality of the air will improve.
Sorry, there is no way out from this problem, no other solution to this.
But yes, in the first order we must STOP cutting that little rain forest we still have for it might happen, with the great probability, that our grand children will not enjoy seeing sun rise and set, no the stars in the skies for the smog will prevent seeing.
Of course, we ALL will be choking by then, when the forestation will be able to supply good quality of the air.
For I am asking myself who really understand that our future is the race between the forestation and growing population in THE BATTLE for clean air.
We did not even started the serous forestation, respect to the exceptions, we are spending out time on the empty discussion how to lower CO2 in the air for this is almost not possible, apart solar and geothermic energy...
Under the condition for the Northern Hemisphere that there will be no volcanic activity coming out from Iceland or Italy.
But there no issued guarantee to it.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Indigenous protesters occupy Peru's biggest Amazon oil field
Around 500 Achuar protesters are demanding the clean-up of decades of contamination from spilled crude oil
Dan Collyns in Lima
What to say then this is the way we all must do.
Only a drop of crude oil can make tone of waters irreversibly polluted. The exploiting of the oil fields produced googoliard and even more such the drops.This pollution has no end, it say the quality of waters will be only worsening by each day on...
Amazon flows into Atlantic ocean polluting it too. Not only water but fishes and all life of the ocean...So as many accidents from Exxon-Valdez on ( and before too).
The population of the people living alongside of the banks of Amazon river use this waters in daily life.
Did any one showed concern how many condensated aromatic compounds( benzene, anthracene, phenanthrene...), mercury, do they have in their bodies? The drilling company controls it?!? The doctors without borders...?
If the people are maybe not aware of the danger coming out from the poisoned waters, the authorities MUST TAKE CARE ABOUT, for RIGHT ON THE UNPOLLUTED ENVIRONMENT IS THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, having diploma of The Chemistry Faculty or being illiterate anyway.
For each of the above mentioned compounds are heavy cancerogenic compounds!
They drink this water, they use it for cooking, they wash their clothes in it, they fish fishes, actually poisoned, eat it... From this circle they can not find the way out...
During my life time the Amazon rain forests faced ex-rooting 2/3 in size.
The tribes are dieing poisoned by not only crude oil in waters then far worse mercury that comes from diggers of the gold using mercury to amalgamate gold.
Imagine a human being who lost 2/3 of its lungs, what quality of life this being can have, what all we have?
Not long ago UK was choking in smog, but this is our future.
Indonesian rain forests are set on fire that chokes Chinese people, only to get more agriculture soil.
The worst pollutant of the nature are the humans.
Seven billions of us produce CO2 by each exhaling the stream of the air.
By ex-rooting the forestry, the 'green factories of O2' what we are doing?
I repeat, during my life time the population on the Earth tripled, and from the 'green lungs' of the planet remained only 1/3 size!
How long we will be able to breath???
The numbers and facts are speaking our bad future story, but seems like we are not ready to hear it.
It's a pity for it's no more five minutes to twelve but twelve and five minutes...
We ALL must wake up, replant forests, be more responsible to our mother Earth, show more respect for the gifts given.
Not only on the April 22nd, the Day of Earth, that was just four days ago...
Only a drop of crude oil can make tone of waters irreversibly polluted. The exploiting of the oil fields produced googoliard and even more such the drops.This pollution has no end, it say the quality of waters will be only worsening by each day on...
Amazon flows into Atlantic ocean polluting it too. Not only water but fishes and all life of the ocean...So as many accidents from Exxon-Valdez on ( and before too).
The population of the people living alongside of the banks of Amazon river use this waters in daily life.
Did any one showed concern how many condensated aromatic compounds( benzene, anthracene, phenanthrene...), mercury, do they have in their bodies? The drilling company controls it?!? The doctors without borders...?
If the people are maybe not aware of the danger coming out from the poisoned waters, the authorities MUST TAKE CARE ABOUT, for RIGHT ON THE UNPOLLUTED ENVIRONMENT IS THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, having diploma of The Chemistry Faculty or being illiterate anyway.
For each of the above mentioned compounds are heavy cancerogenic compounds!
They drink this water, they use it for cooking, they wash their clothes in it, they fish fishes, actually poisoned, eat it... From this circle they can not find the way out...
During my life time the Amazon rain forests faced ex-rooting 2/3 in size.
The tribes are dieing poisoned by not only crude oil in waters then far worse mercury that comes from diggers of the gold using mercury to amalgamate gold.
Imagine a human being who lost 2/3 of its lungs, what quality of life this being can have, what all we have?
Not long ago UK was choking in smog, but this is our future.
Indonesian rain forests are set on fire that chokes Chinese people, only to get more agriculture soil.
The worst pollutant of the nature are the humans.
Seven billions of us produce CO2 by each exhaling the stream of the air.
By ex-rooting the forestry, the 'green factories of O2' what we are doing?
I repeat, during my life time the population on the Earth tripled, and from the 'green lungs' of the planet remained only 1/3 size!
How long we will be able to breath???
The numbers and facts are speaking our bad future story, but seems like we are not ready to hear it.
It's a pity for it's no more five minutes to twelve but twelve and five minutes...
We ALL must wake up, replant forests, be more responsible to our mother Earth, show more respect for the gifts given.
Not only on the April 22nd, the Day of Earth, that was just four days ago...
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
UK smog alert: vulnerable people advised to stay indoors
Warning comes as air pollution is expected to reach eight or nine on a 10-point scale in much of southern UK
Follow the latest developments on our live blog
Follow the latest developments on our live blog
Tatijana Malacko
Certainly the air pollutions are rising up all over the
globe, and true is some comments warning that this is not only imported
pollution, but 'home made' as well.
But this is only diagnosis not the cure.
I do remember the smogs in UK from 60-ies when the sulphuric acid was making the holes to the female stockings: SO2+H2O=H2S03 that was not innocent at all, but at that times many were heating homes by coal which thermal decomposition produced SO2(and other compounds...)
But this pollution is of different type!
The sulphuric acid can certainly cause damages to the breathing system,that are irreparable damages.True is that once crude particles entered the lungs, there is no way to get them out, most of them are remaining in the lungs life long.
The vehicle gaseous are not innocent either.The old gasoline with tetra ethyl lead was poisoning us by lead, the 'unleaded gasoline' leaves behind the chloro- benzene that is carcinogenic. So what we did?
Exchanged the one harm compound by the another.
We can not influence the wind blows in this or that direction, Sahara sands gets to Europe since Sahara exists.
But we can influence vapors and fumes from the factories,refineries, incinerators for simply there are the filters that could be placed into chimneys and reduce pollution. But, they say, they are expensive.
Then, means, our health is cheap???!
And please, do understand that this pollution will get to the soil, the rain will rinse it from the air and we will get the nice clean, fresh air, but polluted soil, into the soil we will throw seeds and eat food: from polluted air we got polluted soil and polluted waters...
Therefore this problem goes around and since we will not come to conclusion we have to reduce environmental pollution to the possible low level, we will not make any progress in protection our health, health of our children and their children too...
My question is: if Sahara sands can get to the UK, how far can get GM pollen from maize fields, soya fields, oil rape fields etc...
For the pollen is far easier by weight then the sand.
But this is only diagnosis not the cure.
I do remember the smogs in UK from 60-ies when the sulphuric acid was making the holes to the female stockings: SO2+H2O=H2S03 that was not innocent at all, but at that times many were heating homes by coal which thermal decomposition produced SO2(and other compounds...)
But this pollution is of different type!
The sulphuric acid can certainly cause damages to the breathing system,that are irreparable damages.True is that once crude particles entered the lungs, there is no way to get them out, most of them are remaining in the lungs life long.
The vehicle gaseous are not innocent either.The old gasoline with tetra ethyl lead was poisoning us by lead, the 'unleaded gasoline' leaves behind the chloro- benzene that is carcinogenic. So what we did?
Exchanged the one harm compound by the another.
We can not influence the wind blows in this or that direction, Sahara sands gets to Europe since Sahara exists.
But we can influence vapors and fumes from the factories,refineries, incinerators for simply there are the filters that could be placed into chimneys and reduce pollution. But, they say, they are expensive.
Then, means, our health is cheap???!
And please, do understand that this pollution will get to the soil, the rain will rinse it from the air and we will get the nice clean, fresh air, but polluted soil, into the soil we will throw seeds and eat food: from polluted air we got polluted soil and polluted waters...
Therefore this problem goes around and since we will not come to conclusion we have to reduce environmental pollution to the possible low level, we will not make any progress in protection our health, health of our children and their children too...
My question is: if Sahara sands can get to the UK, how far can get GM pollen from maize fields, soya fields, oil rape fields etc...
For the pollen is far easier by weight then the sand.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
THE GUARDIAN, January 29th 2014
Monarch butterfly numbers drop to lowest level since records started
Decline of Monarch population wintering in Mexico now marks a
statistical long-term trend, experts say
- Share 405
-, Wednesday 29 January 2014 17.11 GMT
30 January 2014 12:21am
3This problem is known since 1999 and still no one can stop the extinction of the Monarch butterflies for the most responsible is certainly GM pollen than can fly away for hundreds of kilometers, coming out from the fields of the Norther neighbor, not excluding the nicotinoide pesticides, and as well the technical non ionizing radiation coming out from , only Lord knows, how many satellites, launched in orbit of the Earth.The HAARP tests also donate the part of the responsibility...
So, again, the humans caused irreparable damages to the nature, from which the nature can not defeat itself no repair damages.
All is our bad conscious, we have extincted many varieties of this planet, of the plants and animals and unfortunately, we are marching on in the same direction any further.
We saw Japanese fishermen killing dolphins, but when Caroline Kennedy called it by the true name ecocide, she produced the avalanche of the political, negative reactions. But she told true. This is the ecocide, for the scientifically reason why, or what ever else excuse they call it.
The Norther neighbor of Mexico pollutes the Mexican maize fields by GM pollen, but Mexico is the worlds referent center for maize, so once altered DNA of maize can not produce the variety that it once was.
In that way we are losing any further more and more plants with altered DNA that may be looked like the old ones but they are not.
Cuban-Mexico tests on mouses, fed by GM pollen showed increased IgG markers that remain increased although they have NOT been fed for over two months by GM pollen.
This happens to the humans as well but no one conducted such test to prove it.
So, today Monarch butterflies died out, tomorrow, who knows... but certainly we are marching into our extinction too.
Just do not think that this is a catastrophic prediction: the men fertility in last 50 years dropped 50 pct!
For the hormonal disruptors are all around us, cheap, nice fragrances of phtalathes for inst. from the softeners,cosmetics, shower gels, baby cosmetics...
This is our sad truth.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Britons are actually lucky people having Mr. Dr. Christopher
Exley, professor at The Keele University who studies ever since 30 years,
the problems of harm effects on the human health and environment caused
by Aluminium, the third mostly spread chemical element on our mother
Just to mention that clay, widely spread sediment is a sort of alumino-silica compound, but nice and precious emerald as well.
If the Australian residents, of East Australian coast, having problem with high level of Aluminium in tap water turn to this expert for the reply, they will knock on the right doors instead calling for help Mrs. Brockowitch, who is only the lawyer and could not help them.
So what has Mr Christopher Exley found out?
Unfortunately, that normal human cells turn, in presence of Aluminium (Al), into cancer cells that soon turns into metastasis. This Aluminium we are coming in touch with has not necessarily has to come from tap water we are taking bath or shower, may come from food packages, remedy packages, but may come from the cosmetics means too: in his documentary I watched in ARTE channel, he mentioned that 2/3 cosmetic products such as deodorants have Al in their formula...
Aluminium, once entered the body, the lymph system transfers all over the body.
Just look around how many the Al foil are used to pack potato chips, frozen vegetables and fruits, decks on yogurt, fresh cheese, remedies, chewing gums...
What about the Aluminium kettles, pots, dishes, ready made food for you have just to heat it and eat it...
Nice, comfortably, deadly.
Have you known that certain amount of the Aluminium in French vines is responsible for their bouquet ( coming from bauxite from their soil. recently heard in channel 24Kitchen), or at least they believe so...But not only grapes, all that grows on the soil reach on Aluminium sucks it by the root system and incorporates in its body plant.
But, my hair rises up the newly seen data in TV that 75 percent world cans for beverages and beers are made of Aluminium, and the data says 25 percent are made of steel. For the last data although seen by my eyes, I am not that convinced is truth, from simply reason why that the can would exceed value of content and this deal would not be producing profit.
The planes, depend on size, can be made of 30 tons of the Aluminium parts.
Your car are made from the 75 percent of Aluminium parts.
Aluminium is nice, silver like metal when new, very light, and unfortunately cheap that caused its over use nowadays. But its evil nature to be soluble in acids as well in hydroxides or basis as the chemists call them, causes a lot of problems and has to limit its over use only to totally neutral liquids of pH=7 and neutral food as well.
Coca cola is actually acid, beer is neither neutral, even milk acid can dissolve Aluminium in certain amount. The fresh cheese is acid due to milk acid. Many sodas are neither neutral.
Any acid, as mentioned above, as mild as soda water, CAN dissolve certain amount of Aluminium can, that is the package of the same, and as longer in contact with the package the more Aluminium will penetrate in the content of liquid or food, the more you will intake drinking or eating the content.
The whole dissolved Aluminium content goes of course into beverage and your body when you take it in. Once penetrated yours body it starts its deadly game with your nerves, yours cells, yours DNA...
The chemical fact is that Aluminium comes in nature together with the lead, so please do not wrap your sandwiches into it.
Only ever since 2011, THE IARC of THE WHO classified Aluminium production into group 1 that means THE CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS.
Also, pregnant women exposed to Aluminium are endangered, for Aluminium can be trespassed to fetus (fetotoxicity) through out the placenta, says 'Green Sheets' quoting data of THE ECHA, The European Chemical Agency.
Aluminium causes damages to nervous system causing its premature aging.
That something is wrong with this element doctors noticed over the forty years ago at the young dialysing patients who, at this process, used Al compound and showed symptoms of Alzheimer disease in very early age.
The worst accident that proves the toxicity of Aluminium happened 1988 in small Cornwall town Camelford where 20 tons of Aluminium sulphate from near by factory, was dumped into local river, that was unfortunately reservoir of drinking waters for the residents.
Factory remained silent for the next 16 days denying harm of waters giving advice to the local people to take the juice to cover up 'slightly changed taste' of water.
But, Aluminium sulphate is the salt of weak base and strong acid, it means that acid dissolved copper pipelines; the herd of sheep drinking that water died out in no time.
After that in several years came Alzheimer disease...
Mrs. Carol Cross, resident of Camelford, died on Alzheimer, had 32 micrograms/kg per body weight of Aluminium.
Acceptable dose that cause no damages is 1 micrograms/kg body weight/week.
Safe cosmetics has content of Aluminium less then 0,6 percent.
Please read the labels!
Alzheimer disease occur on the level of 4 - 5 micrograms/kg body weight/week.
The big problem is that some Aluminium products are used in purifying waters.
We, students of The Technology Faculty University of Zagreb, were taught that for inst. due to the big molecules of Al (OH)3, this compound is widely used for water purifying and it was truly widely spread as the purificant for water purification!
But the studies has shown that there where the Aluminium compounds are used in that purpose, the outbreak of Alzheimer disease is as twice bigger then there where no Al compounds are used in that purpose.
For inst. city Paris, France is using iron compounds, somehow more expensive technology, but healthier.
So, what is the more important, public health or saving the money?
Although I must mentioned being told by doctor, 90-es last century. that iron can trigger spread of the cancer.
The residue of purificant always exists, it remains after the purification process, in some amount in waters.
In October 2010 the ecocide happened in Kolontar, Hungary, the waste deposit of The Aika Aluminium Factory, broke out and from that reservoir there, the 1 million cubic meters spread over village Kolontar, killing several people.
The pollution reached out Danube river and by its waters further on.
I have no data if the Serbian authorities are monitoring the level of Aluminium in waters from that river which waters the capital of Serbia drinks.
In Aika case, there was the basic solution of Aluminium responsible for caused damages, but as I said, the evil nature of Aluminium comes out from its amphoteric nature, that says its equally soluble in the acids as in the hidroxides.
Please, keep it in mind when coming in touch with this metal.
Just to mention that clay, widely spread sediment is a sort of alumino-silica compound, but nice and precious emerald as well.
If the Australian residents, of East Australian coast, having problem with high level of Aluminium in tap water turn to this expert for the reply, they will knock on the right doors instead calling for help Mrs. Brockowitch, who is only the lawyer and could not help them.
So what has Mr Christopher Exley found out?
Unfortunately, that normal human cells turn, in presence of Aluminium (Al), into cancer cells that soon turns into metastasis. This Aluminium we are coming in touch with has not necessarily has to come from tap water we are taking bath or shower, may come from food packages, remedy packages, but may come from the cosmetics means too: in his documentary I watched in ARTE channel, he mentioned that 2/3 cosmetic products such as deodorants have Al in their formula...
Aluminium, once entered the body, the lymph system transfers all over the body.
Just look around how many the Al foil are used to pack potato chips, frozen vegetables and fruits, decks on yogurt, fresh cheese, remedies, chewing gums...
What about the Aluminium kettles, pots, dishes, ready made food for you have just to heat it and eat it...
Nice, comfortably, deadly.
Have you known that certain amount of the Aluminium in French vines is responsible for their bouquet ( coming from bauxite from their soil. recently heard in channel 24Kitchen), or at least they believe so...But not only grapes, all that grows on the soil reach on Aluminium sucks it by the root system and incorporates in its body plant.
But, my hair rises up the newly seen data in TV that 75 percent world cans for beverages and beers are made of Aluminium, and the data says 25 percent are made of steel. For the last data although seen by my eyes, I am not that convinced is truth, from simply reason why that the can would exceed value of content and this deal would not be producing profit.
The planes, depend on size, can be made of 30 tons of the Aluminium parts.
Your car are made from the 75 percent of Aluminium parts.
Aluminium is nice, silver like metal when new, very light, and unfortunately cheap that caused its over use nowadays. But its evil nature to be soluble in acids as well in hydroxides or basis as the chemists call them, causes a lot of problems and has to limit its over use only to totally neutral liquids of pH=7 and neutral food as well.
Coca cola is actually acid, beer is neither neutral, even milk acid can dissolve Aluminium in certain amount. The fresh cheese is acid due to milk acid. Many sodas are neither neutral.
Any acid, as mentioned above, as mild as soda water, CAN dissolve certain amount of Aluminium can, that is the package of the same, and as longer in contact with the package the more Aluminium will penetrate in the content of liquid or food, the more you will intake drinking or eating the content.
The whole dissolved Aluminium content goes of course into beverage and your body when you take it in. Once penetrated yours body it starts its deadly game with your nerves, yours cells, yours DNA...
The chemical fact is that Aluminium comes in nature together with the lead, so please do not wrap your sandwiches into it.
Only ever since 2011, THE IARC of THE WHO classified Aluminium production into group 1 that means THE CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS.
Also, pregnant women exposed to Aluminium are endangered, for Aluminium can be trespassed to fetus (fetotoxicity) through out the placenta, says 'Green Sheets' quoting data of THE ECHA, The European Chemical Agency.
Aluminium causes damages to nervous system causing its premature aging.
That something is wrong with this element doctors noticed over the forty years ago at the young dialysing patients who, at this process, used Al compound and showed symptoms of Alzheimer disease in very early age.
The worst accident that proves the toxicity of Aluminium happened 1988 in small Cornwall town Camelford where 20 tons of Aluminium sulphate from near by factory, was dumped into local river, that was unfortunately reservoir of drinking waters for the residents.
Factory remained silent for the next 16 days denying harm of waters giving advice to the local people to take the juice to cover up 'slightly changed taste' of water.
But, Aluminium sulphate is the salt of weak base and strong acid, it means that acid dissolved copper pipelines; the herd of sheep drinking that water died out in no time.
After that in several years came Alzheimer disease...
Mrs. Carol Cross, resident of Camelford, died on Alzheimer, had 32 micrograms/kg per body weight of Aluminium.
Acceptable dose that cause no damages is 1 micrograms/kg body weight/week.
Safe cosmetics has content of Aluminium less then 0,6 percent.
Please read the labels!
Alzheimer disease occur on the level of 4 - 5 micrograms/kg body weight/week.
The big problem is that some Aluminium products are used in purifying waters.
We, students of The Technology Faculty University of Zagreb, were taught that for inst. due to the big molecules of Al (OH)3, this compound is widely used for water purifying and it was truly widely spread as the purificant for water purification!
But the studies has shown that there where the Aluminium compounds are used in that purpose, the outbreak of Alzheimer disease is as twice bigger then there where no Al compounds are used in that purpose.
For inst. city Paris, France is using iron compounds, somehow more expensive technology, but healthier.
So, what is the more important, public health or saving the money?
Although I must mentioned being told by doctor, 90-es last century. that iron can trigger spread of the cancer.
The residue of purificant always exists, it remains after the purification process, in some amount in waters.
In October 2010 the ecocide happened in Kolontar, Hungary, the waste deposit of The Aika Aluminium Factory, broke out and from that reservoir there, the 1 million cubic meters spread over village Kolontar, killing several people.
The pollution reached out Danube river and by its waters further on.
I have no data if the Serbian authorities are monitoring the level of Aluminium in waters from that river which waters the capital of Serbia drinks.
In Aika case, there was the basic solution of Aluminium responsible for caused damages, but as I said, the evil nature of Aluminium comes out from its amphoteric nature, that says its equally soluble in the acids as in the hidroxides.
Please, keep it in mind when coming in touch with this metal.
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