Sunday, September 2, 2012


In the Spring of 2003, Mr. Maryanski visited our country to convince us that GMO food is as safe as the conventional! This is my reply to him, printed in March 2003, in Novi list, Rijeka, Croatia.

New List
51000 Rijeka
Zvonimirova 20 a


Heading for-reactions to the article: GM food is safe
as well as conventional
I have read your above article with interest,

Ms. N. Domazet government obviously matter, seems to me
more then the distinguished gentleman J.H. Maryanski,
although to him is available more knowledge on a larger scale,
to the matter of GMO's, therefore
it is inexcusable that we usurps his rights to sell us a horn as a
It's sad that people who are sitting at the FDA, may give such the statements
your ditinguished Novi list printed in the interview. Because
a claim which was printed in the title is straight
misrepresentation. And knowingly, with the target
Mr. Maryanski says they never-guess the FDA, received
information that such foods are harmful.

I ask whether he was aware of the case of tryptophan,
Japanese manufacturer Showa Denko-which exactly in the
country of Honorable Mr. Maryanski comes (it was imports from Japan to the USA), took 37
of lives, and over 1500 people were left with permanent
disability. It is the world's public
known, so how does it comes that to him it is not?
I wonder if Mr. Maryanski heard of tests
Dr. A. Pusztai, which was the disclosure of the truth, that
GM potatoes hardly damage immune system, liver,
brain, stomach wall, etc., he was forced to withdrew from the tests,
sent in to retirement,
but his true results nonetheless found their way,into publicity.
Dr.Pusztaia results were confirmed by other scholars in the world.
I wonder if it is a safe product GM beef hormone
growth that just in the country of Mr. Maryanski
caused over 2000% increase in morbidity from lymphoma, and
causes prostate cancer, breast cancer and nearly 40%
enlargement of the spleen, and why the FOX TV reporter
from Tampa, Mrs Jane Akre was fired because she did not
wanted to fix a report on this product. Judicial
epilogue of a judgment was in favor of Ms. Akre, the compensation of
overall 850,000 U.S. Doll. Ms. Akre obviously,
and so the court ruled, put forward the truth. (beef
growth hormone through milk due to all other
dairy products in the EU is banned, but the country in
Eastern Europe ais used, and this is the area from which we import
a large amount of 'our' milk-Caution, therefore:).
March 12th, 1999th York's Nutrition Laboratory announced
report on the rise of allergies in the UK from 50% in the
1998 year, which is tied to the use of GM soybeans, used in the
production of wide range of products such as the
chocolate to cosmetics and food of course, and
baby food as well.
The Berlin Medical Chamber's September 8th, 1998 announced
joint report with Greenpeace, a warning that
Novartis maize causes resistance to antibiotics
ampicillin, amoxicillin and penicillin, are the ones who
and prescribe the most, because the built-in corn
resistance gene (marker, to see what is
obtained by gene technology because they often fails
achieved what they wanted!)
What about the GM fish in the country Honourable Mr.
Maryanski? What is a genetic mistake made in
reproductive system because fish in wild waters
(reproduces naturally without any problems) coupled with
GM fish no longer reproduces, are sterile!
Why Russia has returned the entire shipment of GM maize
Novartis back (Russia has a law prohibiting the importation of GM
product-we still do not!) in August 1999.?
Why is the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul in December
1999,  issued an order for the destruction of up to 1 million
acres sown by GM soybeans?
Why is in the Indian state of Gujarat, GM cotton crops harvest
turned to ashes and smoke in November 2001?( after they have discovered
they seeded GMO cotton seeds instead of natural, exported them ' by mistake'!)
Why do the Japanese have refused further shipments of corn from
Mr. Maryanski country?( After discovering it was GMO!)
Why is hungry Africa refused GM food and prefere go
hungry than sick?
What happened to that Monarch butterfly,
there is no longer in its wintering grounds in Mexico (in 1999's
Cornell University published a report that
GM corn pollen pushed it into extinction)?
Why is Deutsche Bank New York, May 21st 1999
published report:" GMO's are Dead"-consultation for the
money not be invested in GM foods because they
no longer make a profit!
Why Greenpeace USA released the "Shopping List"
booklet with a list of products to the US markets
listing the products that do not contain,
phase out or contain GM products; why if the GM products are
as safe as conventional foods, as it claims Mr.
Why did the USA maintained demonstrations against GM
StarLink corn, which they finished in their tacos, and they,
the USA, are exporting to Mexico (because to
Mexicans I guess, the GMO's are good enough), but when the
boomerang came back then it was no longer

Because that certain corn gained permission for sale
'only' in fodder ( but it usedfor the production of 
vitamin C, so that almost all the vitamin C
in the United States is produced from GM raw materials).
As if between
animal fodder and human food there is a Chinese wall, as if the
livestock fed by GM soy and corn not end on the
plates of people in the form of a fine steak, etc. and
brings us to the human body all that Frankenstein technology.

But this story not ends here, this is only the beginning.
The beginning of a story tragic for man kind.
Mr. Maryanski, since you're so bad
informed, while you position claims better
information,  I'd recommend one interesting
book by author Dr. Mae-Wan Ho: Engineering,
subtitle Dream or Nightmare, that explains the dangers of
'harmless' GM 'food'.

Anyway, the lady doctor British scholar, held a lecture on
Genetic engineering and participated in discussions about the
harms of GMO's in the UN, the European Parliament, the World
Bank and others. Since 1994. she is an advisor to the Third World
Network-on issues in gene engineering,
biotechnology and biosafety.
Space does not permit to present harms of soy you are taking as the example,
rejecting statements it causing allergy
you deny the danger, only to mention the facts from book
Mrs. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho,: when the finally Round Up Ready
soy were analyzed, after years of using in fodder,
molecular analysis shown, the order of genes
were messed up, but at the genetic intervention
indeterminate plant genome also messes and also,
534 fragments of unknown origin are found in soy.
All this differs from the original data by Monsanto
What these fragments represent ? Are they
toxic compounds, carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic?
Perhaps not, but no one is bothered
to examine it!
No one has provided any evidence of
the existence and activity of these substances.
What does that mean? Simply, they did not get what
was meant, and what is gotten, they did not fundamentally

Well, if no allergy in the first generation
consumption occures, does not mean that there will be continued, because
transgenic genes lie low in the genome [silencing]
even when they are not expressed.This infernal machine
may explode at any time, and the trigger can be any
bacteria, virus, others transgenic gene from other GMO food etc.
Since you mentioned the famous Golden rice, which is
archived now, sent to be improved in the next 5 years back to
International Institute for rice (IRRI),
they are due to remove the resistance antibiotic genes

So Mr. Maryanski, you never said a word about, is it
possible that you did not know it has the antibiotic resistance gene?
Neither you said it does not cover
needs on vitamin A, because adult
day intake should consume 18 kg of rice (!) to meet
physical needs on vitamin A, which in turn in Asia (which is supposedly
product intended) covers by glass of papaya juice
or two tablespoons of palm oil.
After all when we're on the rice, there is another kind
of rice growing in your country, in Sutter County, the
Greenpeace discovered plantations, without any protection and measures
of pollution of the environment, in that rice was introduced
minimum of two proteins from human breast milk, intended for
the pharmaceutical industry! The same report says
the rice, subject to GM rice contamination was
exported to other countries (the report said Japan and
Turkey and GM raw materials for pharmaceuticals were
exported in at least Canada and France - also
notes that 20 countries have already produced drugs from
GM products!)

A report from Greenpeace USA, September 7th,  2001.

It comes from your country Mr. Maryanski!

We, from a half of the globe distance know it, but you do not?

After all, that so many words, are not needed: the FAO report from the
July 2000  clear put out the 4 pages of text in
under the headline:
"GM crops do not need to feed world"


Facts from Greenpeace site about Ecological Farming Facts:

Quick facts about agriculture:

  • Ten corporations control nearly 70 percent of the world's seed market. This corporate control of agriculture means farmers have less choice.
  • Genetic Engineering does not feed the world. 99.5 percent of farmers around the world do not grow Genetically Engineered crops.
  • Industrial polluting agriculture uses synthetic fertilizers and toxic chemicals which pollute our water and soils – the very things we need in order to provide healthy food now and in the future.
  • Excessive use of synthetic fertilizers in industrial polluting agriculture contributes to climate change.   



just to let you know that EU released decision on seeding or non seeding GM crops to each EU member on the own decision.
I am asking myself who sits in EC of EU: for UK complained on air pollution by Sahara sand!
IF Sahara sand can get to UK, the GM pollen, far easier, can get from Spain to Croatia, Poland...
By this, our efforts to eat organic foods seems goes in vain...
The petition against GM crops, signed by the million citizens of EU and handed to the health minister of EU government on December 9th 2010, seems like being farce!

Data for above taken from 3 SAT: nano at 6.26 PM today, JUNE 13th 2014.