Wednesday, July 2, 2014


CROATIA ALIVE, June 30th this year, approx. 5.30 PM.

The leader of the broadcasting program, Mr. Novokmet is interviewing Mr. Davorin Stern, subtitle says he is 'Oil expert'. They are talking about Russian offers to Croatia, gas and oil companies in Russia, our missed chance to join so called the 'South Flow', for we still can get chance to  join...

I always listen to, what Mr. Stern has to talk to, for his points of view are from time to time a bit strange, for inst. when he said in broadcast 'Latinica' that the people of Istrian Fazana and surrounding got a good chance for getting job in one of the hotels that the investor wanted to build there, so from the owners, they will turn into servants, good chance, isn't it???

I waited to get info about LNG terminals on the island Krk, but they did not touched the theme, or maybe I did not watched it when they did. Anyway, I did not get what I expected to, but instead I heard again his words that'...Croatia rejected the FANTASTIC OFFER OF DRUZB - ADRIA
from which offer Rijeka refinery could have well lived for 20-30 years...'

I do not doubt into the knowledge and expert skills of Mr. Davorin Stern, I do believe that he knows far more about the matter he is talking about.  

My modest knowledge, warns me about his words.

Mr. Stern and me once, during our studies shared the same faculty building, ugly and cold building,  in Zagreb, Pierotti str. 4, as well some subjects such the Christalography we shared with the students of the Miner, Oil and Geology faculty too.
Just by chance,  Mr. Julian Malacko was teaching 'The Machine Elements', there, and Mr.  Paul Malacko was the student, colleague of Mr. Stern, later spent the all his work life with the company Naftaplin ( Oil&Gas), that joined to INA( Industry of Oil), from which Mr. Stern was the general manager, early 2000-ies.
Mr. Paul Malacko was on his work place when, 1992, The Serbian Army shelled facility in Ivanic Grad, the shell fell only 12 m away of the building he was in.

Taking words of Mr. Stern under the magnifying glass, I recall talks with Mr. Paul Malacko, being said that the Russian oil has the high content of sulphur for due that fact this oil is difficult for processing in the refineries, so as for drilling: sulphur together with aliphatic compounds are blocking the pipes and drilling equipment so the team solves the problem by over boiling water injected under the pressure.

Processing of the Russian oil in the refineries faces the problems that we already have in Slavonski brod, unsolved by now.

The question is: do we need one more Slavonski brod problem in this country???

The environment is polluted by the all by products of refinery process: all sulphur compounds, nitrogen compounds, phosporous compounds...

The worst nightmare of the engineer of chemistry is certainly H2S, belonging to the first group of poisons, such as HBr, or better known HCN, used as the notorious poison 'Cyklon' in poisoning detainees in concentration camps during II WW.
Not less harmful is S02 that inhaled, with H20 gives H2S03, that is not that strong acid as its sister H2S04, but still enough strong to damage sensitive lung tissue and cause irreparable damages to it, to the eyes too
H2S is easily detectable by odor of the rotten eggs, but H2S03 is odorless...

Of course, apart of above mentioned inorganic compounds, not less harm are benzene, and its condensated compounds such as anthracene, phenantrene... but all are carcinogenic.


Ms. Vesna S. from Varazdin, having her first cousin living in Slavonski brod, told me how her cousin faces the problems of changing the exit doors each several years for they got swollen, no one can explain that mystery.

So, let us try to see what happens there: particles of sulphure compounds, nitrogen and phosporous, oxydes, and mixed by humidity from the air produce acids that are dissolving wood tissue, making small holes in the wooden tissue of the doors, producing gaseous products of dissolving that makes the doors swollen. Perhaps metal doors would lasts longer...

I am mentioning this doors problem to the underlining the seriousness the environmental situation there, for if the wood reacts like that, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE HUMAN HEALTH THEN??!

Now, having in mind the air pollution of Slavonski brod and near by Bosanski brod where is that notorious refinery located, that is NOT the only pollution, but soil and waters are polluted too, does OFFER OF DRUZB-ADRIA SOUNDS AS THE FANTASTIC ONE, judge for yourself.

My opinion is that this offer was bad, and still is from the following reasons why:

     1.Kvarner, Istria and Primorje are well known as the touristic destination. For inst. island Losinj has over 100 years old touristic tradition.
     Poisoning & tourism goes NOT' hand in hand'!

    2.'Maestral' wind  blow toxic by product gases and fumes towards the Primorje places such as Novi Vinodolski, Selce, Crikvenica...
        'Bura' wind blow them towards Gorski Kotar whose forestry is so precious for Croatia that the all Gorski Kotar has to be declared as a national park such as Yellowstone for inst.
        North East wind blows toxic gases towards Kvarner islands, that are according to the words of Mr. Pirsic, the head of EKO KVARNER, responsible for the increase cancer cases on the islands.

    3.The toxic gases by which the residents of Bakar sound were choking by for decades, from the facility of cox making once was in there, are still fresh in memories of the citizens, more poisoning they simply do not want.

    4.The aging of the oil pipe-lines that are numbering almost 40 years are proportionally growing by aging. I recall having read about reported over 300 breaking pipe-lines, back a decade ago, but such a reports are no more in papers although the safety measures even being increaced, can do little on avoiding accidents for they simply do happen.
       So, facing them, what can the owner of the pipeline does?!
       Have you, Mr. Stern, during your managing company at the times of accidents happened, sent the equipment to remove polluted layers of the soil? Just ONCE???
      Have your took care for PERMANENT supply of the drinking water for the local residents for, the pollution by the oil is PERMANENT POLLUTION, and stays on the location that happened FOR GOOD.

     I recall TV report on the pollution of the river Pakra, done by some funny, plastic barriers placed on the surface of the waters, the flow of waters turn them aside and the pollution was flowing away and spreading further...
    FRANKLY, it would be BETTER NOT TO SHOW such a unsuccessful attempt of removal oil slack...
    1980, during summer vacation, I walked on the beach of Cres, where to we came by so called 'rubber boat' , as far as Cunski is on Losinj, but opposite side on near by Cres. Seeing the plateau above, I climbed up and almost fainted. Instead seeing some plantation I expected, in front of me was the HUGE LAKE OF OIL! From whome was it, who placed it there, how long was there, there was no one to give reply. I have asked the local residents about, they did not know for the oil lake in their neighborhood...
   The only good was, conditionally, that this part of island Cres has no water sources nor known underground rivers so pollution of waters may be not occurred...   

   For during communism, the papers were forbidden to report about the taboo themes such as the sharks in Adriatic Sea, but obviously the accidents too...


5. During the drought times that are lasting for several months and luckily they are not often, the river inflowing into Adriatic Sea, some of them are turning into creeks and the reversible process of flowing back the Sea waters inside river banks sometimes happen.
    In the case of accident, the polluted Sea waters can irreversibly pollute estuaries, under-ground flows and rivers and by it the Sea cities would lose their water supply for good. Bad scenario...

Since we are NOT ABLE to solve  the pollution of Slavonski brod, for refinery belongs to other state, and obviously we did not removed pollution by accidents by now, do we need to increase pollution on that  pearls of nature that remained clean still???

We must realize that accidents are happening, the pollution occurre around each refinery from Alaska to Kamchatka, all over the world.
The each oil has mentioned compounds more or less.
The air pollutions, the soil pollution,the waters pollutions are environmental problems of the EACH REFINERY.
For once released by products in the air by processing the oil, the hot toxic gases and fumes comes down sooner or later by simple physical process of cooling and cover and pollute soil, waters, sea, lakes, forests, cities...

Worsening the environmental cleanness  in Kvarner & Primorje can have bad influence to the tourism, for it will bonce off the tourists. Croatian authorities obviously wants to keep them both, the refinery and the tourism, and this is possible only if the environmental pollution WILL NOT ADVANCE, for processing the Russian oil, it certainly would.
The sensitive dynamic equilibrium has a passable note, as yet.

From above reasons why, sorry Mr. Davor Stern, I DO NT ACCEPT YOUR STATEMENT THAT DRUZB-ADRIA PROJECT OFFER, WAS '...THE FANTASTIC OFFER...' for Rijeka refinery.

PS: FIAT IUSTITIA PEREAT MUNDUS,  is the old Latin sentence that means: To be the justice, even world drops...



I found yesterday, July 14th 2014 the stale article from Jutarnji list, dated January 8th 2005, by Mate Piskor, under the title: RESIDENTS OF SISAK POISONED BY CANCEROGENIC GAS BENZENE

Although the title does not reflex the truth, for there are many others poisons that are poisoning them, for inst. mercury from the thermal power plant chimneys too, the article say that in the first days of January, one hour after midnight, the concentration of benzene in the air was 60 units on the measuring scale, and the highest tolerance is 5 units.( Such a high dose stepped over tolerance level 12 times, that is pure murder attempt! comment tatijanablogger)
But by the day the situation was not much better for there were measured 26,11 units on the scale, in the cubic meter of the air, that is over-stepping maximum tolerance level over 5 times.
Christmas wishing the residents of Sisak got on the Christmas Eve, when the maximum tolerance level was 11 times higher...
Due to violence of the tolerance level of H2S in the air, the Sisak Crime Court temporarily banned Russian highly sulphured oil processing in the refinery.( not written since when?), and against the refinery management of the refinery there was the process at the same court for benzene poisoning.

The chief of the Working Group for Environmental Protection of the refinery, Gordana Krakar said, that this values are not marking only the refinery pollution but due to the closeness, the road traffic pollution. as well as pollution from the steal factory and thermal power plant.

Above data, although stale, I posted only to prove that all above written in the above article is true, for the other refineries are having such problems too, and since the prosecution measures are undertaken, it means that The Sisak Court has those evidences archived,and upon the request they may be presented.So, nothing in the article was made up or is product of fiction.

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