Monday, July 14, 2014


THE OBSERVER, Sunday 6 July 2014


 Antibiotic resistance: only global co-operation will succeed against this deadliest of threats

For a quarter of a century, the drugs industry has focused on more lucrative projects. Now governments must pull together and take concerted action
author: Observer Editorial Desk

The above article does not offers the discussion to the topic, its only marking it. The problem emphasized the PM David Cameron, in his newly speech, warning us all.

Since me and my students colleagues listening lessons of the dr. prof. Djokic at our Technology Faculty University of Zagreb, 1970, ( The Faculty produced two Nobel Prize winners in chemistry:Ruzicka and Prelog)had the seminary work of translating the literature for our professor who, based on it created AZITROMYCIN, with two more colleagues in our farmaceutical factory Pliva,  Zagreb laboratories, I feel a sort of involved in matter.

But this theme does truly request more attention, for this can explode like a worlds problem  No. 1, very soon or maybe it is approaching us already, but we are only not aware of it.

Being highly concerned about GM technology, that I started to follow ever since the Easter chocolate rabbits 'Lindt' disappeared from the shelves of the Tengelmann market in Spring 1996, asking a woman at cashier desk, what happened to them, she said she does not know it, but only heard that '...there are some gift found in it...'

I started to read the rare articles in the German papers about GM products, for I lived there then, and they were truly rare, for by that times we lived happily our lives fed by crops that were cultivated in conventional way, more or less...

For on our market shelves, put on sale since 1994, at that times we were already consuming the GM tomato called 'flavr savr', but we only did not know that. And the scientists were giving statements from time to time that the product is perfectly safe, as safe as the conventionally cultivated products
If so, why it disappeared from the market shelves by now???!
What was in it that does not meet today food standards?!? 

No reply. 

What then affects our immune system, disabling it, what makes the antibiotic resistance today?

If I say that is our food, would you trust me? Perhaps not.
But why not to check it, to see from where the danger comes out of it???

I recall the test made in London in July 2001, the students volunteers took just one meal of GM food, having only one glass of Coke to drink with the meal.
The results showed changes to the stomach wall, done by just one meal of GM ' food'.

So how we put ourselves in the situation like that?  Its a long story full of scandals, manipulation, politics, financial interests, greed.

The tests of Dr. Arpad Pusztai with the GM potato that damaged digestive system, stunted growth, and affected immune system will follow in several years, after the chocolate rabbits jumped down from the shelves 1996; 1998, they were announced in Granada TV but the conductor of the test will be accused of mixing up data and lost his work place in laboratory of The  Rowett Institute, Scotland...

The colleagues of dr. Arpad Pusztai who conducted the same tests got the same results.

This was the sign that something is wrong with the potato...

True, the clouds on the horizon started to gather already 1989, when the producer of L-tryptophan, the Japanese company Showa-Denko changed only one component in production process, introducing the GM product instead, that caused 37 dead consumer and over 1500 of severe damaged health, remained crippled for life time.

Still, 1992 FDA equalized GM products to conventional, not providing ANY test to give evidences about.

For the food is food, isn't it, what should be tested about, after all...

1994, in USA, introducing the Bowine growth hormone into the  treatment of cows to get more milk, the results were published 2000, September 13th,  by Mr. Robert Cohen, showed increased citizen's morbidity of over 2000 pct in both sexes, on lymphoma, causing as well increased prostate, breast cancer, increased spleen, colon cancer cases..

1997 on the FAO WORKSHOP,  in Prague, the participants were alerted to strictly stick to the precautionary measures when dealing with GM technology, to preserve the own health.

Fine, what they put in our food when they have to strictly follow instruction to protect their health, but we must eat it, so what the protective measures we have to apply to?

No answer, for the food is food, isn't it?

But, 1998, The Medical Chamber of Germany together with Greenpeace, Germany at the press conference gave statement about that GM food products, such as Novartis corn may cause the antibiotic resistance to the mostly prescribed antibiotics such as: Ampicilin, Amoxicilin and various Penicillins, whose prescription in Germany, three years ago( 1996) was on the level of 12 millions.

In the year when the report was announced, Novartis exported to Germany the GM corn seeds in quantity for seeding 350 hectars...
Gen expert of Greenpeace, dr. Jan van Acken asked for Novartis to reveal to whom they sold out their GM seeds to be removed from the environment.

1998 the crops with antibiotic resistance were forbidden in England, Norway, the import to Austria and Luxemburg banned.

The State Central Commission for Biological Security of Germany, after that,  issued recommendation to avoid in future putting genes into plants that brings antibiotic resistance, denied at the same time the GM potato license for sale having gen antibiotic resistance incorporated.

Having seen that in our country,  the danger coming out of GM products is underrated, I have asked for meeting with our Health Minister, Mrs. Stavljenic-Rukavina.
After a while I got invitation to meet Health Vice Minister Mr. Afric. The meeting took place March 7th 2001, in their rooms on Xaver hills. To the meeting participated Dr. Capak, the head of Institute for Public Health Croatia, who, after I explained why I asked for meeting said that there is no danger coming out of GM products for in the USA people do accept them, and I have all of that made up only to attract the attention, for then, already, I was writing about problems the GM products were bringing for the third year, and dr. Capak thought that I am only a sort of trouble maker.

Having seen no computor in that space, and anticipating the situation like that, I have printed some news from internet such as the protest of USA citizens against Star Link GM maize in their tacos, the one with resistance to the antibiotic gens too.
I had also the Press report of Greenpeace, Germany  from September 8th 1998, saying as written above and showed it to dr. Capak.
To the bottom of the copy I have written that: Dr. Capak thoroughly read that report.
I also brought the booklet TRUE FOOD NOW, where was, in October 2000 printed the shopping list for the USA consumers with recommendation which product from the certain producer consists of GM raw materials, which one does not have it, and the ones that are phasing out GM materials.

Still, our meeting did not move from the stand point that was disbelief, so I stood up and said:' Gentleman, I will continue my work on this level, and you may trust what you want...'

Second meeting never took place.

So, these facts we knew already 16 years ago. It means we knew what causes resistance. We knew what problem will arise if we close our eyes and neglect it.

Exactly that happened: we closed eyes, neglected problem and now the world problem of antibiotic resistance rolls over and we do not know how to solve it.

But we might do it, when the evil was still in roots. Now its, became the giant, and I fully agree with the author of the article, that the global action is needed, for the evaluation that this is the deadliest threat is not at all the exaggeration...

For  GM products are grown all over the world, the countries who declared  NO GM ZONES, have done good but useless attempt to protects the citizens from GM, for wind blows and carries the GM pollen hundreds thousands kilometers around( see article in The Guardian on pollution the air by the Sahara sand) and declaring the distance between GM and conventionally grown crops of 800 meters I found grotesque, for it brings NOTHING! 

One evidence to above, is the Bavarian honey, produced in clean surrounding with no GM crop fields around but polluted by GM pollen blown into by neighbor country, and by that, the honey lost the label 'organic' because the GM pollen was  found in it.

The confirmation of above words, pollution by blown GM pollen into conventionally cultivated crops, knows the best Mr. Percy Schmeiser from Canada who lost the process against Monsanto being accused for stealing Monsanto's technology, only for wind blew the GM pollen from GM maize fields to their maize fields...

All written above is only the top of iceberg, we did not come in our discussion( for if I would, this will not be the article if I will write all I know, but NY phone book) to danger coming out from the mosaic viruses of cauliflower or tobacco, both retro viruses, we did not mentioned transfer of gens and viruses from plants to bees, to humans; hot spots of altered DNA that are easily breaching and attaching to...??? 

The answer will not come from the creators of gen technology alteration for simple reason why: they do not know it!

Our today stand point is bad. But it will turn into catastrophe if we close the eyes again...

Who said that the evil to happen to, are needed only the good people doing NOTHING. 

Or you like more the other, the Japanese one: the science is two cut sword: one cut the progress path forwards and the other cuts our roots.

For the last is exactly what the GM technology brought to us. 

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