Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Watching nano scientific news of German program '3 sat' last week I received news with disapproval about building Finland's nuke plant in Baltic Sea.
I am not very happy that the land of millions lakes has chosen option 'go nuke'.

From the following reasons why: 

1.-well known reason that the safest of them, is NOT safe at all

2.-attempt of convincing us that Thorium nukes are safe than Uranium is not true for releasing alpha radiation in process of nuke decomposing this two processes are flowing into one.

3.-Baltic Sea is actually a sort of very big lake and Sea makes it only salty waters: the closeness of it will make only that the accumulated radioactivity will NOT be diluted by the Atlantic Sea waters and by the time, the life in it will collapse.

But, I still will not be forced to write this article down if I would not read in face book post from Canadian girl who posted the benefits of application of sodium bicarbonate saying that it can remove radioactivity. 
As if only could!

By this I realized how little nowadays people knows about radioactivity and its harmfulness.

For inst. I traveled with the two US citizens, the chemists, at work in Basel. I did not asked them where they do work but somehow we got to topic 'radioactivity' and my instinct forced me to ask them do they know what is the 'secondary radioactivity'.
They did not.

So, if chemists do not know basic information about the radioactivity, how can we expect the average citizen would know that.

But knowing it or not, does not make any difference for those who decided to built nukes DO NOT ASK AVERAGE CITIZENS ABOUT IT, DO THEY AGREE OR NOT...
For if they would not, what still difference does it make?!

Let's see what happened with the PETITION AGAINST GM FOOD, signed by over million citizens of EU and handed to the EU minister of health December 9th 2010.
For the EC of EU  newly, brought decision to leave right about seeding GM crops to the EU states.
It means for ins. that if Croatia decides to go GM, Hungary decides to go NO GM, the Hungarian fields will be anyway polluted by the GM pollen from the Croatian fields, for this pollen can fly thousands kilometers away... 

I am asking myself are they aware what they are deciding???!

It seems just like digression, but its not. I just wanted to show that the will of the citizens of EU is disrespected, what ever topic is.

Concerning energy situation in Europe, please start praying for the mild winter for we will all be freezing. For dreams about cheap Russian gas has kept us far away from the reality.

The reality is that Putin sold Russian gas to China.

Was it lesson on teaching naughty student good manners we violated putting our sympathy on the Ukraine side in Russian aggression to Crimea I will not think about for I understand that the quantities of gas are limited by the drilling possibilities...

I may not be right if I haven't seen the dispute of Gazprom and Netgaz, two gas suppliers, for obviously Gazprom wants Netgaz satisfy needs in gas there where Gazprom will not be able, and Netgaz unfortunately has its own customers and contracts to fill them so can not accept demand.

What does it means to EU?

No good, I am afraid, for demand on gas supply may complicate demand of industry. If industry goes without, I am afraid to think further scenario on lack of gas....

I hope we will be able to avoid the Rumanian syndrome: during the Csauscescu regime, the homes of citizens were left unheated during winter...

Some country may turn to own energy sources. 
Living for some time in Germany somehow I know their situation the best, for Germany, so as the whole EU went solar, but not enough.
Germany turn to wind, that is very good.

But Germany has to go geothermal more than by now.

For knowing fact that a great deal of Germany lays on the former volcano, that still supplies a lot of geothermal sources from the French border almost to the North, this energy must be used everywhere where is it possible!

Yes, Germany went nuke too, being known for the first nuke European accident back to 70-es...
Since that time comes out badges: Atomkraft? NEIN, DANKE!
that say: Nuke? NO, thank you...

But, Germany granted us one of the first environmental activists Petra Kelly so as Joska Fischer. Who knows what good could she bring to us, if she only lived longer...

So apart the above alternative sources, what can we else do not to find us in cold apartments amidst winter?

When our President Stjepan Mesic came from the trip to Saudi Arabia and Emirates with the proposal about NLG Terminals that has to be risen up on our island Krk, the greens stood against, for at decompressing of  the gas, that is a strong thermical reaction, there will be the Sea temperatures under-cooled and damage Sea life.

Apart the Adria gas basins, from which one, the 'Ivana' is already in use, by ENI, there are at least two such basins that could be exploited. But for that the not cheap investments are needed.

This two are the closest destination from which Europe can get the gas supply in case of lack of supply of the Russian gas.

If  anyone have better idea, please let us discuss it, for we are heading towards summer, but by the winter Europe must assure alternations to Russian gas, for not doing it by now, was a sort of irresponsible.
For once we survived sparing program on electricity, by switching it of, and frankly I would not recommend it again... 


I am asking myself WHY I AM NOT SURPRISED: 

Major Ukraine gas pipeline hit by blast

There were reports of two smaller blasts before the explosion. Daniel Sandford reports from eastern Ukraine
A major pipeline in Ukraine carrying gas from Russia to the rest of Europe has been hit by a blast.
Flames could be seen erupting from the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod Pipeline in central Ukraine. No one was reported injured by the explosion.
It is not clear what caused the blast. European and Russian companies said gas exports to the EU were not affected....
On Monday, Ukraine said Russia had cut off gas supplies to the country following a dispute over gas payments.

The article say about building LNG terminals near by Italian Adria port TRIESTE,the Italian company Smart Gas has announced their plans and projects, financed by the Finnish investors!  NOVI LIST, AUGUST 21st 2014 
 Nacrte za izgradnju već je predstavila talijanska kompanija Smart Gas, iza koje stoji finski kapital

Tankeri će dodatno opterećivati promet u tom dijelu Jadrana * Foto: Foto REUTERSRIJEKA » Nakon što je talijanska strana u svibnju prošle godine pomalo neočekivano zamrznula svoje planove izgradnje dvaju LNG terminala kod Trsta, neposredno uz slovensko-talijansku granicu – jednog u Žavljama i drugog off-shore terminala u tršćanskom zaljevu, 15-tak kilomentara od obale, neposredno uz

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