Wednesday, May 28, 2014


What kills 3000 Australians per year?

There's a silent killer that targets over 3000 disadvantaged Australians each year. What it is will surprise you.

Tatijana Malacko

I am not surprised reading it. Nor the Aussie air is less cleaner than anywhere in the world. What kills the most USA citizen? The same reason why!
The respiratory diseases are the world wide number one !
We can not stop factory producing goods for we need them.
The car fuel can be less polluting environments: there is gossip that there is patent for car driven by water.True or false, I do not know.
We have in our country the stations recording level of the sulphuric compounds in the air, number the crude particles per square meter, etc... but this is only recording the facts.
Few years ago in the papers there was a small articles about, that in the China pollution of the air is so difficult problem that right to have cleaner the air had only the communist party highly positioned politician. How did they do it, its a bit misty to me, probably they got the apartments in green surroundings...
Again, I repeat it again, that due to my life time, back a half century,the rain forest of Brasilia, famous Matto Grosso shrinked 2/3 of its size.
The lungs of our planet lost their capacity to breath 2/3 of its volume, for the known level of cca 21 pct of oxygen in the air comes exactly from the green 'factories' the trees, using CO2 in the synthesis of chlorophylle...
Now, knowing the facts, that are only worsening from day to day, for, do not forget that we, humans use O2 and exhale CO2, and this is done by 7 bill. citizens of this planet, the number will be only growing..., THERE IS NO TIME FOR DISCUSSIONS, this we left in last century, but we must ACT!
The only solution to the problem is THE FORESTATION, as sooner then better.
Yes, the Australian central territory is waterless and not suitable for growing anything.
But, is it truly so?
I have seen what the Israelis did in Negev desert and I was truly touched by it.
They planted tamarica trees that on the leaves produce salt, during the night the air is cooling, the humidity from the air is caught by the salt, and the trees are supplied through out the leaves by supply of water for its growth.
The Negev desert is as waterless as the Australian central territory, the sooner they will start the forestation there, the sooner the quality of the air will improve.
Sorry, there is no way out from this problem, no other solution to this.
But yes, in the first order we must STOP cutting that little rain forest we still have for it might happen, with the great probability, that our grand children will not enjoy seeing sun rise and set, no the stars in the skies for the smog will prevent seeing.
Of course, we ALL will be choking by then, when the forestation will be able to supply good quality of the air.
For I am asking myself who really understand that our future is the race between the forestation and growing population in THE BATTLE for clean air.
We did not even started the serous forestation, respect to the exceptions, we are spending out time on the empty discussion how to lower CO2 in the air for this is almost not possible, apart solar and geothermic energy...
Under the condition for the Northern Hemisphere that there will be no volcanic activity coming out from Iceland or Italy.
But there no issued guarantee to it.

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