Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Mid December 2009  Croatia is evaluated as the 48th country in the world concerning environmental issues that caused shock in media...Only then and not again the media asked why is it so....

Unfortunately, the position of the environment protection in our country was reduced on the enthusiasm of unpaid 'catastrophics' how Dr.Sci. Jelaska, the accademist, named us irronicaly.

Some of us are joined in a handful of interest groups from the pure SPITE fighting for better living conditions for the nation, although they know that their efforts are measured and categorized as a attack of Don Quixote on windmills. Here and there appears a short dash or photo of their actions, such as today's sale of the golf ball instead of eggs, as a protest to the 'golfisation' of the agricultural fields on which crops do not grows but the jack golf holes. 'Bitten wolf by Gretel', there is no political will to draw more serious cuts, because we know we have no money ...

Anyway we have only handful of such eco groups such as Eko Kvarner, Zeleni Osijek, Eko Zadar, Zelena Akcija, Eko Pan-Karlovac, and Zeleno Srce dealing with the County ecoproblems of Sisak-Moslavina County.
More than ten years ago I wanted to see Greenpeace in Croatia, talk to Austrian Greenpeace, German Greenpeace and Headquarters in the Netherlands but I was clearly been told the priority is India, Israel, we are not in plans...Only what we got was visit of Mr. Benny Haerlin...

A list on which we occupy the infamous low rating are not the only categorized by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe, according to the press freedoms we are somewhere at the infamous the same level, and according the purity from 'GMO free countries' English internet site 'genwatch' placed us on the list of growers of GMOs, because of GMO corn growth.

Bioethical Council established 1999 to stop penetration of GMO's to Croatia, or at least we believed so, on 'The Round Table Against GMO's' organized on April 10th 1999 by HSS party, under the presidency of the same above named accademist issued Permition to conduct tests by Pioneers GMO corn seeds “ of only 1 kgs seed” but in Belje appeared hectars of GMO grown corn by some sort of magic corn...??...

So from GMO free country in shortest time we become a GMO grower.

Good that catchword 'Croatia-heaven on earth' masterpiece of our tourism minister that was withdrawn because it would sound very grotesque ...As well thousands useless posters printed with the written 'Croatia-GMO free country'...

I wish it were, truly...
At one time, in one of the election show Ms. politician DN evaluate the environmental theme as 'nice theme', but still no progress after that words ...
When our 'whistle blowers' warn on substances harmful to humans and the environment, the people of power hush them up right away, ridicules, laugh out their so called ' incompetence'.
Starting from my own: in February of 2005 I have sent the article in the Zagreb's daily Vjesnik, in that article I responded to the former article of my former professors from the university (not taught me, but I did graduate in the department), who pointed out that there are no people who are ready to show reaction and send replies to the certain problems. I just wanted to express my support to him so wrote the article the harmful and toxic substances in daily use, it has been printed, but has caused the attention I did not expected. The state toxicologist named me ' the lady that all disturbs her', a strong toxicological argument!

This gentleman defended himself that in its 'database' has no reports of toxicity tera phthalates and Teflon. Evidently we do not use the same data base so I found out that in the USA noticed that the teflon kitchen ware caused death of home pets canaries, who are very sensitive to toxic fumes. Seems like it was sufficient alert for the USA citizens that something is wrong with teflon, but we seems do not care much.

So some one had to warn the nation.
Although he was in charge to do it.
I do not understand how Teflon could get the FDA trade license as a safe product, such unstable compounds such as Teflon, which at the temperatures above 300 degrees Celsius collapse evaporating fumes and crude particles of teflon decomposition, releasing for inst. compound in small quantities, true, indeed, but very poisonous, identical to that found in the Baxter dialyzers responsible for over twenty deaths of kidney patients in Croatia!

To check above you do not need internet data base but our subject book, please see Noller: Chemistry Of Organic Compounds, and from that book, colleague toxicologist and me have exams on our Faculty ...



About the harmful effects of the tera-phthalates all the publications wrote a month later ...

It is also notorious fact that the Pliva acidic sewage leaked all way down to river SAVA, that is known from the 80-ies of last century.

It is not clear to me how it was washed out from the underground, because Jarun was declared water protection zone. I pray that your readers evaluate the quality of water protection zones where the gas station ought to be built at Horvacanskoj, close to the central heating pipe lines!
And it's not a evil remark that if we continue to pollute sources of drinking water, in the way we are doing, soon we may be very thirsty! And not only Pliva acidic sewage leaking is responsible, we have in the water pesticides (eg atrazine), nitrogen compounds of NPK fertilizer in the water. ..

In our TV “Croatia Alive” mrs. Vesna Pusic mentioned that from the 82 tested sources of waters, only 12 had sufficient quality of water, that means majority fails!

And of course that the great deal of Zagreb's citizens, if not all are drinking Sava river waters, filtrated trough out pebbles of Sava banks. Filtered from what??? Can for inst. dioxin from celulose factory Krsko be filtered? Can radioactivity be filtered??

Why was dr. Sci.Branica literally to his death warning us on overheating Sava river:why is Sava overheated, because of insufficient supply of water to the cooling system of Krsko nuke plant, or I hope not, something is wrong with the process...
By the way when you have read last time data on radioactivity river Sava? EVER read??
Of course my disobey was paid by disconnection of my phone for 12 days because of the 'broken wire', and that 3 teams of T-Com's technicians were not able to find out what was wrong ( the phone bill was paid). Of course my defense Vjesnik did not print even though they are obliged to do so under The Law on the Press ...
'Lady who all bothers' lived in Sisak' Caprag early 50s of the last century, water was flowing from the taps yellow, we had to boiled it, and only when a strong wind blew clouds of black smoke did not choked us, in our homes near by closed windows ! Ecological problems of Sisak, our Chelyabinsk, does not come from yesterday ...

For leaking our pipeline Naftovod they blame corrosion. Fuel oil tanks in accidents are often polluting soil, water, underwater, underground water. The residents are supplied by tanks of drinking water, but for how long?

Because it is unfortunately permanent pollution! Because this contamination as well as the radionuclides contamination is contamination of the worst kind and its IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE IT...

Exxon Valdez oil tanker on March 24th 1989, stranded in the Sound of Prince William in Alaska, known fact: fifteen years later, American chemists and biologists checking the efficiency of cleansing of the Sound. Unfortunately for them they found that all the animals with fish in the food chain are sick, laid eggs were sterile ...

This legacy of oil pollution will remain permanently!
Unfortunately, surface contamination precipitate into the deeper layers, the evaporation of soil moisture by drying them again only takes them to shallower layers, but pollution remains ...

    COP 15 - the climate summit in Copenhagen of city mayors gives hope that at least something will be change, but I'm afraid that's already 12:15! But the tiny results as in Durban and further more... And we simply stupidly rejecting to understand that our time for protection of our environment is inevitably running out of our time...

Twelve hours was the eighties of last century, when Bhopal happened in India:December 2/3rd. 1984, 40 tons of methyl isocyanate escaped into the atmosphere in Union Carbide's pesticide factory. It is estimated that there died immediately 8,000-10,000 and another 15,000 victims died later from the effects of poisoning. A totally exposed to inhalation of methyl isocyanate was over 520 000 people, serious damage to health remained at 120,000 citizens, however, of these 10-15 are dieing monthly. Only in 1997. died the 2165 victims. Damages of $ 400 per capita did not get all because of corruption in administration ...

Chernobyl as it is well known, has caused 57 deaths by direct irradiation, died of cancer 4,000, a figure as well as for Bhopal is not final ...

From amids last century, Mato Grosso, rainy forests in Brazil reduced in 60 years to approximately 1/3 of its surface! We have by incredible speed succeeded to destroy 2/3 of the lungs of our planet! And that plants absorb carbon dioxide in their photosynthesis of chlorophyll dismissing our precious oxygen. And we did not need an artificial tree with substances that break down carbon dioxide, plants, our green layer doit for us millions of years already and still gives us oxygen!
And speaking of Mato Grosso, there are contaminated waterways by mercury that the gold miners used for gold amalgamation. It is exactly this mercury that causes the extinction of the first nations of the rain forest ...
 As soon as we stop cutting of the Amazon rainforest   we ​​will be breathing easier, literally!
Iceland is the habitat of bird species that call the sea parrot. Ornithologists, who as a child was able to count in one night, a hundred sea-parrot than, can now in 'good night' observing, count only 20 of them ... So where are all the birds gone?
Unfortunately, contamination of the Earth has reached a critical point so right are those who shout slogans that we have no country B!

Neither we do have clean water, no fresh air, no clean country, and we want to eat pure food.

Well people, to paraphrase Delic, 'Oh, is it possible ...' How? How will this affect our children, our grandchildren?

Greenpeace has tested the Oetztaler Alps fish that swim in the clear and thought-clear waters of the Alps at 2800 m altitude. Findings were stunned: the fish were literally poisoned by bromine compounds derived from flame retardants, phthalate-wax softener and chlorine, toxaphene, PCBs, and so long ago banned DDT. The concentration of toxins in fish ranged up to 911 micrograms per kg of fat tissue...

Please do not eat alpine trout!

Comment by Mr. Manfred Krautter, Greenpeace expert in chemistry: "Chemistry is out of control, it is endangering the entire continent to the highest mountain peaks. Effect of the so-called. 'global distillation' of the toxic substances that are released into the atmosphere as the smokes, above the cold part of the Globe such as the Alps or the Poles moisture is freezing into snow and in the form of snow falls back to the ground.

Tests revealed that the wild animals and the population, for example, Inuit (the tests were conducted on them) are highly poisoned!
The interaction of chemicals with our bodies and our health, chemicals that surround us are we aware of that fact or not, wanted we to be dipped into chemicals or not, we can not choose others, our chemical background is always present.

Unfortunately, pollution is cumulative, accumulate in fat tissue, breast feeding mothers transmit it to children ...

 Yes, we are 48th in world rankings in the environment protection, we truly deserved it, accompanied by the countries that do not care for the environment, taking it for granted. Yes, we have no money, but do others have it much more - when exactly those who are the wealthiest in the ranking occupied last places on the list ... We must get serious, we must get responsible, because as the First Nations of America say: This land we have not received as a the gift, we borrowed it from our fathers and mothers to leave it to our children.

Fine heritage we are leaving to them!

All our errors they will be forced to correct, because they will feel them the toughest.


Euronews transferr this info:

" National Hog Farmer, US: RACTOPAMINE

The Codex Alimentarius Commission – the joint food standards program of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has adopted global food safety standards for ractopamine hydrochloride.
More About:

The Codex Alimentarius Commission – the joint food standards program of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has adopted global food safety standards for ractopamine hydrochloride.

Elanco Animal Health markets two brands of ractopamine hydrochloride – Paylean for swine and Optaflexx for cattle.

The commission’s action, which becomes final on July 7, adopts an Acceptable Daily Intake and Maximum Residue Levels for pig and cattle muscle, fat, liver and kidney. The human safety of meat products derived from pigs and cattle fed ractopamine had been confirmed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives in 2004, 2006 and 2010 and by 27 regulatory authorities from around the world."

Ractopamine is growth hormone that:
-changes blood pressure, systolic pressure increases after intake, observed on mice and rats, slowly goes down after a while, dyastolic unchanged...
-chromosome aberration positive on lymphocytes, explained by secondary auto oxidative effect from ractopamine catechol that produces reactive intermediates
-carcinogenicity: not yet observed but causes benign leiomyomas( tumor of smooth muscles)in test on mice and rats due to beta-adrenergic activity
-causes muscle tremor used oral
-behaviour changes:feelings of reslessness, apprehension and anxiety

In EU its forbidden.

So having in mind these side effects, what do you think drug like that can do to human body? Do we indeed need any drugs-additives to the fodder?

0The past is still to close when Bowine Growth Hormone caused increase in cancer cases in USA over 2000 pct after the drug was introduced to arise yield of milk in cows, in 1994???!

Friday, July 20, 2012


"In recent months appeared on the different sides the self-appointed toxicologists who even published a book( “The E numbers and the food additives” written by spouses Vrcek) and to whom is not known the basic concepts of toxicology. This time drove my the reaction engineer Tatijana Malacko in her article" The materials in the application although the toxic and carcinogenic "(Vjesnik, February 18
th 2005).
The lady, her like-minded the Vrčeks, shows they do not know the basic concepts of toxicology, and sources of data collected this entire group as "toxicologist", are very strange.
Complete a nonsense to claim that PET packaging or Teflon cancerogenic or that aspartame is the culprit for many harmful effects in diabetic patients who take them. I wonder just why the diabetologists such claims have not responded. I emphasize once again that it is total ignorance ... and I was still ashamed to write that these are even people who have listened to lectures on my postgraduate course in toxicology.
No one from the authors of such claims could find data in official database of the European Union or the World Health Organization (WHO), the authors of stories about dangerous teflon or PET packaging such information could not be found. I looked at, for example, data on Teflon in a very respectable base Micromedex and found what I already know. Teflon is inert, insoluble in water solutions and there is no possibility of its penetration into the body, either through the digestive system or skin.
It could get into the lungs when it would develop, during cooking, aerosol of teflon, which seems highly unlikely. It has long been known that at temperatures above 600 degrees Celsius leads to degradation of Teflon with the low formation of a hazardous substances, including the worst perfluoroizobutilen (known as a cause of death of our citizens in Baxter dializator disaster), but it is not a carcinogen.

A similar story is with the PET packing, from which it may release small molecules (eg color), if it contains. It is insoluble in water and therefore no possibility to be in any way absorbed into the bloodstream, and is not a carcinogen. So much for the information of new sources of Toxicology.
In the toxicology is still important to understand the relationship between dose and effect, as new toxicologists do not understand, despite what they wrote about it before a lot of medieval scholars hundreds of years ago. Of course anything can be poison, including the clear spring water, but toxicology deals with dose where toxicity really start to happen and the harmful effects of dose on the basis of such substances are classified according to risk. Thus for inst.toxicologists salt did not classify as poisons, despite the serious poisonings recorded by this important chemical.
Any hazardous substance at certain small dose will not cause any harmful effects but only when it exceeds the specified limit risk. So we freely intake into the body by smoking cyanides, cyanides or biotransformation in the body resulting from amygdalin, which in turn we take through bitter almonds or apricot kernels. Of course we enjoy without consequence because there are toxic materials in doses well below those that may cause adverse effects first.
Our food is full of toxins, created naturally or by metabolism of bacterias and mold. While there is a low doses of these toxins, we must not overlook the fact what we eat. That does not mean that we should not care about the health safety of food or the cleanliness of the air we breathe, but it has nothing to do to health safety and toxicology( Not quite correct,TM).
Safety is, usually expressed with a maximum permissible concentration (MPC) or recommended concentrations, talking about safety and not on risk. Engineer Malacko question of who has set these limits, I am instructing her to first learn about the basic concepts and only after that public her opinion on the issues that troubles her.
Although I do not have enough space to explain, I must point out that the acceptable daily intake is calculated from which MDC or recommended concentration, calculated by dividing by a factor of safety (10-10000, depending on model and type of adverse effect) at the maximum dose that can not yet occur any more adverse effects.
Malacko engineer must also know that these values ​​are calculated the world's leading experts on the basis of experiments that are carried out simultaneously in several well-controlled laboratory with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) certificates.
Do you really need to listen to ignorant people who appear like a false prophet, scaring the inhabitants by their ignorance? Everyone, of course, has the right to say whatever comes to mind him and so, for example, that the earth was flat, but one should also be publicly responded as the ignorant who write stupidities. "
The author is a university professor of toxicology, Director of the Institute of Toxicology, F. Plavsic



This is the translation of the article published in NOVI LIST, Rijeka, Croatia
in September 2002, under the title:


that I sent to Mr. Prof. Dr. Arthur Teuscher from 
"Stiftung Erhnärung und Diabetes", who supplied some data for 
this article.


first article about GM insulin

TO: 1 recipient

Stiftung Ernährung und Diabetes

Dear Mr. Prof. Dr. Arthur Teuscher,
below please find the first printed article.

This is the first written article:

“GM insulin will do harm to the health of diabetics
and there will be a death cases  too ”

Reading the article “ Introduction of New Insulin” in
Novi List I worried about  the monopolization of our
insulin market from the side of Novo Nordisk.  Namely,
according writing Vecernji list ( other daily)  Novo
Nordisk held up to now 85 pct of our insulin market
and in the near future, if I have understood it well,
Novo Nordisk have to rule by our market totally.  But
other matter interested me more that I haven’t find it
in there: is this product genetically altered product
because, so far I know,  Novo Nordisk produces just
the product like that.  The case is familiar to me
from Canada( by the way Canada was the first one
to extract insulin in twenties last century). There,
1995. Novo Nordisk withdrew  the all animal insulin
from the market introducing genetically altered
insulin exclusively.  This product causes at the users
the reactions that can be lethal as well.  That bad
example followed Elly Lilly 1999. so now is happening
that in Canada people can get just  the “new” product,
it means genetically altered insulin.
Of course, the producer insists that the product is
safe but it’s not so.  In April 2000.  the class suit
was launched in New Mexico,USA against both companies
because putting on the market exclusively genetically
altered insulin that causes various reactions, some of
them lethal too.

The reactions are as follows:
 A survey carried out by the Trust in 1994 showed the following adverse effects to synthetic GM insulins:
  • loss of warnings of hypos
  • extreme tiredness or lethargy, sleeping all the time
  • large weight increase 28% - feeling unwell all the time
  • memory loss, confusion, mood swings, change in personality
  • erratic blood glucose levels
  • joint and muscle pains
When patients returned to animal insulin, these symptoms largely disappeared.

Majority of the users suffers from 3 or 4 symptoms at
the same time.  There were cases that the blood sugar
dropped drastically during driving the car and people
caused the accidents, some died...  The recommendation
is for using the animal insulin further specially for
THE CHILDREN.  Returning back to the animal insulin
the symptoms withdrawing,  if there weren’t the
hypoglycemic shock and brain damages occurred. 

Just the hypoglycemic shock took 8  human lives in Canada,
92 in the USA.  All people were using, proved, GM
insulin!  The reactions appeared at 465 people, in the
USA over 4,000.  This data are coming from “ Globe and
Mail” from 6. February this year(2002).  We can expect
that, in the meantime,  this numbers will just rase up. 
Canada established  The Committee for investigation
the cases and reactions to the GM insulin.  The
details about the class suit you can find at,  as well you can check all above
(In the meantime, the class suit is rejected due to the lack of evidences!)

I worry about that up to 27,000 our citizens will
fight against the reactions, (because at least 20 pct of GM insulin
users are suffering from the above side effects, at least, some are suffering
on multiple side effects or all of them)
  that the insulin instead
of improving their health will do more harm to them,
and there will be the death cases as well.

Sadly but true how successful is that,  as  Dr. Jost
called it “ GM imperialism”. For inst. Novo Nordisk
bought the biggest producer of the animal insulin of
the south hemisphere Biobras just to withdrew the
product from the market in favor of GM insulin.
In the lightening of all above I am afraid that our
diabetics will find themselves in the bad position
therefore I am asking from the people in charge to
take care about.

just you have to know all facts TO CHOSE THE ONE THAT SUITS YOU THE BEST!

This article was used by Mrs.Jenny Hirst from IDDT International,UK,
as one of the elements for her giving statement in front of THE PARLIAMENTARY
COMMISSION OF CANADA about side effects of insulin, 2005.

Please find the report of Mrs.Jenny Hirst, IDDT International,UK below:

Registered Charity No: 1058284  Co. Reg. No: 3148360

A charity listening to those with diabetes and their carers and supporting their needs

Telephone: 01604 622837  e-mail  website:
Fax. 01604 622838
P 0 Box 294, Northampton, NN1 4XS


24th January 2005

For the attention of:

Dr. Pierre Charest
Director General
Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate
Health Canada

The Honorable Ujjal Dosanjh
Minister of Health and
Honorable Members of the Standing Committee on Health

Synthetic GM 'human' insulins and natural animal insulins in the UK

The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust is a registered charity based in the UK which  formed in 1994 to help and support people with diabetes and their families, especially those who suffer adverse effects as a result of using synthetic GM insulins. Membership of the Trust has grown with members in many countries throughout the world, largely as a result of the policy of systematic discontinuation of animal insulin by the major pharmaceutical companies in most countries, indicating that this issue is global and not restricted to any particular country. The Trust aims to help and support people who are unable to tolerate synthetic GM insulins, to seek recognition for the adverse effects caused by synthetic GM insulins and to campaign to maintain continued supplies of animal insulin.

Synthetic GM so-called 'human' insulin was introduced in the UK in 1982. Following the widespread belief, or rumour, that animal insulins were to be discontinued, by the mid to late 1980s, 84% of people requiring insulin had been transferred to GM 'human' insulin, often without their knowledge, consent or for any clinical reason. The British Diabetic Association, now Diabetes UK, received nearly 3,000 letters about adverse effects caused by this type of insulin. Many prescribing doctors prevented people from changing back to the animal insulin that had suited them better.

At that time the most common adverse effect was a loss of warnings of hypoglycaemia putting the patient at risk of unheralded hypoglycaemic attacks without the ability to take remedial action to prevent coma and even death. Since that time the range of adverse effects increased.

A survey carried out by the Trust in 1994 showed the following adverse effects to synthetic GM insulins:
  • loss of warnings of hypos
  • extreme tiredness or lethargy, sleeping all the time
  • large weight increase 28% - feeling unwell all the time
  • memory loss, confusion, mood swings, change in personality
  • erratic blood glucose levels
  • joint and muscle pains
When patients returned to animal insulin, these symptoms largely disappeared.

Patients were told that GM insulins would be cheaper, less immunogenic and better. There was never any evidence to support these statements and after 20years none of these statements have proved to be true. Indeed, it is surprising that GM insulins have become first line insulin treatment as they are significantly more expensive than animal insulins. The Trust gave evidence to the UK Health Select Committee Inquiry into the Influence of the pharmaceutical industry on health and pointed out that there was a significant waste of money to the National Health Service by the prescribing of GM insulins which no proven benefit for patients over less expensive animal insulins. [December 2004]

The evidence
A Cochrane Review [2002] comparing animal and 'human' insulin showed that 'human' insulin was not superior to animal insulin. More importantly, the Review also showed that the vast majority of the research was methodologically poor and no research had been carried out to compare mortality and complication rates using the two different types of insulin. Thus neither doctors nor patients have any evidence of long-term safety o GM insulins on which to base their treatment decisions.

The present position in the UK is that 30,000 people use animal insulin, about 10% of insulin users. However, this usage relies on patients finding out for themselves that animal insulins are available as the majority of doctors and diabetes educators do not give patients a choice of treatment which is theirs by right.

In the late 1990s insulin analogues were introduced, again on the basis that they were better than their predecessors but a second Cochrane Review [2004] compared GM 'human' insulin and short-acting insulin analogues. This review concluded that analogues are only slightly better in a minority of patients and again the research was methodologically poor and there is no evidence of their long-term safety. They have not been studied in people with diabetic complications, children or pregnant women because of concerns that insulin analogues have a greater potential for carcinogenic and mitogenic effects. It is of great concern to the Trust that patients are not informed of these risks, of the lack of research or of the lack of long-term safety data. Therefore their choice of insulin treatment is not an informed choice but one made on assumptions that insulin analogues are safe, and not on evidence of their safety.

It is for all these reasons that the Trust believes that animal insulins must remain available. If they are discontinued, people who have adverse effects to GM iinsulins will have no alternative treatment and will be condemned to a life of adverse effects. In addition, those people who do not wish to risk the possible development of cancers in the future, will not have an alternative treatment.

Lobbying Government
The Trust and its members have raised all these matters with their Members of Parliament and over 30 Parliamentary Questions have been asked by concerned MPs. The Trust has also met with The Minister of Health with responsibility for diabetes and her advisors.

To date we have established the following:
  • Novo Nordisk, one of the manufacturers of GM 'human' and analogue insulins, has acknowledged that there are people who are unable to tolerate 'human' insulins.

  • the Department of Health has acknowledged that analogue insulins do have the potential for carcinogenic effects and that GM 'human' insulins also have this potential but to a lesser degree than the analogues. It has also been  acknowledged that the epidemiological evidence gathered over 75 years does not suggest that such risks occur with natural animal insulins.

  • The Department of Health has agreed that patients should be given an informed choice of treatment including the choice of animal insulin.

  • The Department of Health has agreed that doctors and diabetes educators should be made more aware that animal insulins are available as a choice of treatment available to patients and arrangements are being made to provide all this information on the Department's website.

Patients' requests of Government
The Trust is continuing to campaign to ensure that insulin treatment is safe and effective for both short and long-term use and that the choice of treatment is available to patients. Therefore we are asking Government to:
  • instigate independent, high quality, long-term research into the safety of GM 'human' and analogue insulins is carried out to ensure that these insulins are safe for long-term use for all categories of people with requiring insulin treatment.

  • ensure that animal insulins remain available indefinitely for people who are unable to tolerate GM insulins and as a treatment option for those who have justifiable concerns about the carcinogenic and mitogenic risks associated with insulin analogues.

  • while recognising that Government cannot interfere with the commercial decisions of pharmaceutical companies, Government is responsible for the health of British citizens and we are asking them to ensure that alternative sources of animal insulins are sought in the event that Novo Nordisk decide to discontinue availability of animal insulin in the summer of 2005, their stated time for the final decision.

Jenny Hirst
Founder and Co-Chairman
Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust

Please, compare the evidences from the book

Mr. Dr.John Virapen": Side effect: Death"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


January 2011.
There is our new pollution not only food but also the environment in the proportions that are not yet visible now, but can easily be only the top of the iceberg ...(Relates to the dioxin found in fodder in Germany...)

Only when it will be discovered ever since there is a practice of stuffing biodiesel waste into animal fodder, we will know the proportions of pollution: it is known that livestock manure ends in soil, and the water, which lodgings are cleaned, it probably ended up in the nearby river water resources .. .When you are reading it, water pollution are already flowing across Europe ...

But we are not the angels. We have our 'private' dioxin, and would not believe how close you are to him almost every day ...

Who still remembers the fire at "Puto" incinerator that loaded us with the heavy toxins that have evolved by heat decomposition of waste deposited in it, and we still do not know what was burnt there either the proportions of poisoning Zagreb's citizens and all the water basin of river Sava, and the all users water from a source Mala Mlaka ...

Maybe there are reports on the amount of heavy metals in soil and water pollution around the plants, the quantity of compounds of condensed aromatic nuclei, all in order one more toxic than the other, the analysis may have indeed been made, but the Zagreb's audience never had honor to get familiar with such a report, and the public is entitled to know because clean environment is every citizen of this city concern and in his primary interest, this report should be of primary concern to everyone ...

And just when one might have thought, almost, thank God, no more plants, dawn in the press reports that the rehabilitation of "Puto" incinerator is in full swing, the August 2nd 2008, Novi List daily from Rijeka ...

So the average citizen of this city has to ask, for God's sake, so who is the one who is crazy!?

"Puto" is ought not to be build up at the location where he was, and now when its gone, the burden of its harmful heritage will remain at elevated concentrations of dioxins in the soil, consequently the water, wherever they reached out, carried by winds, particles and burning fumes of all what was set on fire in “Puto”, but do we know what was all there? ..

Of course all products of the thermic combustion carried around by wind, landed after all in the drinking water sources from the Mala Mlaka, of course we drank it, cooked lunches with this water, it is taken bath and shower in it, we washed our clothes in it ... None of us was reported on the concentration, ppm's, picogramms ... ...

Even if we are totally ignorant, not knowing anything about dioxin and how its affects our health, the face of the previous Ukrainian President Yushchenko, poisoned 2004, during his election campaign, we still remember how this nice man has looked like when dioxin devastating effect turn his face in almost unrecognizing shape, but the effect on what we have NOT seen, his internal organs, were far worse affected, his chances to get cancer are very high and only a miracle can save his health.

The biggest problem EACH incinerator is the residue of combustion, the ashes from burnt waste in t incinerator, which contains all of the worst known and unknown toxic substances inside of it, at this nowadays level of technology development can not make this residual 'cake' harmless ...

NO WAY AND BY NOT known method yet!

Even Vienna incinerator, known as the most modern and safest (?), do not treat the residue of the ashes but it is stored for the future, in the hope that future generations will be able to finally solve the problem.

But will they be able, we can not know that for sure ...

Indeed, just before the outbreak of the last war, in Dalmatia, someone has, I no longer remember who, wanted to raise garbage incinerator, like, great, gets heat from waste, hazardous ash residue, should be 'neutralized' by special volcanic stones?!

Too bad that this single gift of our Mother Earth does not exsist, there is no volcano whose stones do neutralize the toxic incinerator ashes, and those stones are so real as the stones from the stomach of the wolf in the Brothers Grimms tale about the wolf and the seven baby goats because this technology the neutralizing volcanic rock effect on incinerator ashes has its base in reality, just as Grimm's fairy tale!

A pure coincidence is that the same day when I read the article in daily Novi List,Rijeka,Croatia the RTL news at noon 'Punkt 12' revealed the fact that Germany, especially the province of Bavaria, Baden-Würtenberg, Mecklenburg Vorpommern and Türingen drink water contaminated with uranium, whose concentration exceeds 10 micrograms per liter of water. Mr. Herman Kruse, toxicologist from the Kiel University, said that such water intake in the bodies of 40-50 year olds (the premise is that the drinking water and otherwise coming into contact with such a water through a period of 40-50 years) leads to severe kidney disease and damage of vital organs ...

Such water is quite unsuitable for the preparation of baby food, because the metabolism in the babies is slow due to undeveloped inner organs ...

Although the stated limit of 2 micrograms of uranium per liter is the official limit concentration, in the case of radioactive elements, it is better to be zero limit value in the water....

They say that special filters can remove uranium from the water, but they are expensive ... I wish it were true ...

"Foodwatch" calls out the authorities responsible for the negligence and irresponsibility for the health of the nation ...

This only seems to have no connection with dioxin from the "Puto" in our water.But all thrown onto the ground or get into / on it, washed by the rain gets into groundwater. Uranus was in Germany a natural ingredient of the rocks, leaching out of in the drinking water...

Dioxin in our water right after the fire of "Puto"is unnatural ingredient got into soil by smoke and soot particles from incinerators. So it is not enough just to remove the ashes, but the layer of soil all around incinerators, (it should be done immediately after the fire) because dioxin is the same as the infamous "Orange B" from the Vietnam War, which were total herbicide, defoliant of the tropical rainforest to find the positions of the Vietnamese troops, and where the land is bare, the grass is not growing, it certainly has dioxin to be blamed for!

At what concentration?

Let us the report announce revealed- if its done!

One should know that this affair with dioxin in animal feed is neither the first nor the only one.
The same affair, occurred in Belgium in May 1999.

Personal memories I kept on the to explosion of the dioxin container in Seveso, Italy 1976, when the city was evacuated, and bulldozers were taken off the layers of contaminated land ... The explosion at this factory ICMESA caused directly exposure the 187 factory workers and ... It would be interesting to see whether the study followed a deterioration of their health ...

So, pollution the food or fodder by dioxin was not rare and unfortunately we can speak now only about how many dioxin some food contains. For inst:

-2004 milk was polluted by dioxin in the Netherlands

-2006 fodder in the Netherlands

-2007 EC warning on guar gum from India polluted by dioxin because treated with pesticide PCP ( penta chloro phenol) that is out of use, but by product there is dioxin

-2008 Ireland recals pork meat because of consisting 200 x more dioxin than its legal limit
Just in the year of the ambitious revitalizing our domestic Borgia 'Puto', the world got familiar with the detection of dioxins in the Naples Mozzarella and Irish pork, in 2008.Not even a distant memory ...

-January 2011 Germany announced findings dioxin in fodder

There is a map of the European hot spots pollution by dioxin, find it and look at it, it's good to know before planning future summer holiday. Map is done 1991/92 and its updated regularly and already at the first sight is visible, terribly high concentrations of dioxins in the Black Sea coast and Bulgaria Romania ... Bay of Biscay, 'armpit' of Tunisia ...

There is also contamination of food by dioxin, statistics released by the EPA, USA, and has stated that there are the 'major suppliers' dioxin into our food that enters our body, as a percentage:

                      beef and beef products to     40 percent
                      and milk products        to     25 percent
                      chicken and products up to  13 percent
                      pork and products over        12 percent
                      fish and products up to          8 percent
                      eggs and products above       4 percent


Now consider how you will create your menu, to put in it the possibly less polluted food.
But do not try to test your food on dioxin, because testing of one sample costs enormous US$ 1700!

WHO/FAO Codex Alimentaris Commission established “Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Dioxin and Dioxin like PCB Contamination in Foods and Feed”.

Stockholm “Convention on Persistant Organic Pollutant” 2004, brought in power measures to reduce POP=persistant organic pollutants, released into environment.


Contrary to knowledge of our media, dioxin is not formed by burning only, so he created as a by product, especially when burning PVC from which more and more the windows and doors are done, so the burning of PVC in the open space in the USA has already banned more than 20 years ...

Dioxins are generated by chemical synthesis of raw materials, and the first synthesis was made 1872. Unfortunately, knowledge of its pernicious effects, came only much later following bad experience ...
Dioxin is by product in paper and textile industry, releases by forests wild fires and also by volcanic eruptions...

This are not only worthless words, this aromatic diether polychlorid belongs in the first group of carcinogens, according to the classification of International Agency for Research of Cancer, IARC .

Half-life is around 8 years, means that he needs 16 years to complete decomposition, but unfortunately entered into the human body is bioaccumulative!

And we have one in Slovenia, the Krsko celuloze factory, basin upstream Sava river and waste waters are running to Sava river ...Unfortunately Sava river is due to summer drought almost totally dried out, you can get from one river bank to another by walking over...

So we can not speak about dilution of dioxin in Sava river waters...

How many times have you ignored the fact that newly purchased shirt, underwear, etc. should be washed before use ... Warning is precisely because of that ... Unfortunately, dioxin was found in tampons, and they can not be washed ... but can be produced from unbleached cotton as well as the coffee filters are made from unbleached paper pulp for the same reason, the presence of dioxins in bleached filter paper ...


USA dioxin limit is 0, 001 picogramms / liter.

Dioxin is the oncogene, teratogen, mutagen ... It causes cancer, reduces the immune defense system, caused changes and damages to the DNA, causes disrupting hormone production, damaging the embryos ...

Dioxin causes testicular cancer tripled in the last 50 years ...

Causes of breast cancer in women, also tripled in the last 50 years, and endometriosis.

Dioxin is one of the main culprits that the level of sperm capable of fertilization, in the past 30 years dropped by 50 percent, and the worst of all,it is still falling ...

Dioxin affects the liver functions, nervous system, endocrine system
Human reproduction: dioxin destroys sperm, through the mothers placenta gets into the fetus where damages fetus genes, causes testicular and breast cancer, etc. ..
It accumulates in the fatty tissue.

Safely removal of dioxin is possible in incinerators but the temperature must be at the level 850-1000 degrees of Celzius.

Until we learn to handle technologies, in the safe way, it would be better that we do not accept hazardous technologies.

Because as a Japanese scientific said, science is a double-edged sword:

one blade paves the progress of mankind and brings the prosperity, by the other blade cuts out own roots!

They say that we are a country with the highest morbidity from cancer. Dioxin is one of the mosaic particle in it.

For the audience who wants TO KNOW MORE:

there are the ten prohibited POPs called TEN DIRTY banned by Stockholm Convention of 2004:



Of concern are 3 industrial chemicals:

        1. PCB - poly chlorinated biphenyl
             2.  PCDDs – poly chlorinated dibenzo dioxin

             3.  PCDF – poly chlorinated dibenzo furan

PCBs are also prohibited and will be phased out until 2025. POPs by products PCDDs and PCDFs are under monitoring to reduce release as possibly more.

Friday, July 13, 2012



The Teflon or poly tetra fluoro ethylene is a substance in the widely used in cookware as well as in the production of carpets, waterproof clothing and footwear (Gore-Tex), water repellents, furniture, due to the harmful effects that has on human health, it was over used..

In February 2005, I appeared on pages of 'Vjesnik' daily Zagreb's papers, with the statement on toxicity and carcinogenicity of the Teflon among other toxic materials, but that my article disliked certain structures, so I had to draw certain consequences for writing it down.

That something is wrong with the Teflon, it has been noticed for the first time, 50 -ies of the last century, at the workers who worked at Du Pont's factory; they had suffered from some strange disease of similar symptoms as the flu, but with severe consequences, because the pulmonary edema led to death ...

Inertia, neglect, cover-up or whatever else you may take as the reason why the Teflon has been quite late researched, although evaluated as a difficult poisoner, persistent and bioaccumulative, the studies on toxicity began only since the 80s of last century, although it was discovered in 1938 by Du Pont's chemists..

Attention to its own product Du Pont devoted unfortunately too late, but the results of these first tests they decided to keep for themselves because they have been devastating for the safety application of products, keeping them "under the carpet MORE THAN 25 YEARS.

The result of this conspiracy against the health of USA citizens and actually the whole population of our civilization is that 92 percent of USA residents has a Teflon decomposition products in its blood! The most probably the situation world wide is neither better.

But WHO, World Health Organization does not possess such information.

Well let's see what are the products:

EWG, USA, is an abbreviation for the Environmental Working Group, USA whistleblowers, which like the European Greenpeace place under the magnified glass everything that is considered suspicious.

During the investigation, they discovered that the TEFLON is not as stable as thought and as our the state toxicologist thought, the decay of which begins at temperatures at you grill the meat, and by accidental overheating even more, accelerate the launch of toxins and harmful chemicals in the environment, DECOMPOSES INTO 15 TYPES OF THE TOXIC GASES AND TOXIC PARTICLES:






For those who do not want to bother themselves by a chemical 'hieroglyphics'
I recommend that you read only this basic information, and for those "explorer's” may read the whole article, and then to consider whether theywill be still using for inst. the Teflon pans!

Basic data are released by the EWG = Environmental Working Group, this data each of us should know, is that the Teflon (a compound that is not stable at all and, as such, does not belong to kitchen ware at all! R-author) begins to decompose already at 260 degrees Celsius, which is only 30 degrees above the temperature of roasting meat that take place at 200-230 degrees Celsius. By the overheating and reaching 383 degrees of Celsius, when you meat is actually carbonized flesh, and it occurs in only 5 minutes from start grilling it-but then evaporating occurs, and as the temperature in all parts of the pan is not equal, the higher temperatures produces stronger evaporating fumes of higher fractions.

Melting point teflon is only 327 degrees Celsius! Now you can feel free to ask what such a compound does in your pan, who put it there, WHO'S GOT A PERMIT TO PUT IT THERE!

The answer is NOBODY! Teflon was invented in 1938. when the control mechanisms were nonexistent or very low, and the consequences are visible today when, again, 92 percent of USA citizens carry fractions of decomposition the Teflon in their blood, and they POTENTIALLY CARCINOGENIC ...

Thermal decomposition, which starts already at temperatures of 240 degrees Celsius, the first release of gaseous compounds that would later be joined by scorched particles that by inhalation of them, mixed with gases entering the lungs and the precipitate starts there its disastrous effect on the body by the both aggregate forms of matter.


-240 Degrees Celsius: frees TEFLON fine particles of extremely toxic Teflon fraction that damages lungs in rats after only 10 minutes inhalation from start of exposure to this mixture, and the exposure over 10 minutes in test rats caused death! Here begins the evaporation of the disperse particles carried by the fumes and deposition of the same in the lungs begins.

-360 Degrees Celsius: the temperature of the releases of the TFE = tetra fluoro ethylene, which according to the report of the 'National Toxicology Program ", USA, is a human carcinogen, causing cancer at kidneys, liver, causing mononuclear leukemia.

-360 Degrees Celsius: releases the CPF = hexa fluoro propylene, which causes irritation to the respiratory organs and eyes, fluid builds up in them, leading to pulmonary edema and death, and also damages the kidneys.

-360 Degrees Celsius: releases TFA = three fluoro acetic acid which damages the bone causing osteoblasts, neurological damage to the tested embryons of rats, liver enlargement.

-360 Degrees Celsius: releases DFA = di fluoro acetic acid on which bad effect to the health we still do not know enough yet, but at the testing rats the kidney damage is observed.

-360 Degrees Celsius: release the MFA = mono fluoro acetic acid, an extremely toxic compound that already in small intaken quantities of 0.7 to 2.1 mg / kg body weight is lethal. It causes nausea, fibrilation of the heart rhythm and heart attacks and no breathing.

-360 Degrees Celsius: releases PFOA = fluoro oktanoid acid, which is persistent, do not decomposes and the US tests found that 92 percent of USA population have this compound in the blood, causing tumors of the liver, pancreas, breast cancer, reduces the production of thyroid hormones.

EPA = Environmental Protection Agency put this product to the list of carcinogens, which was published in the 'ABC Health & Wellbeing' of February 23th 2006.

EPA has requested that Du Pont, the patentee Teflon phase out from the technological process, PFOA, which Du Pont agreed to do-but only up to 2015!

-470 Degrees Celsius: releases SiF4, silicon tetrafluoride = very toxic compound who works out as the phosgene, but far more reactive than phosgene, the moisture in the respiratory system releases the hydrofluoric acid HF by the same time coating of the lungs by silicone. HF is known to destroy all organic materials with which it comes in contact! Causes pulmonary edema, anemia and leukopenia, osteosclerosis ...

-475 Degrees Celsius: releases PFIB = perfluoro iso butene which affects SiF4 above, causing edema in the lungs, releases HF, which is 10 x more toxic than carbonyl chloride (phosgene was the first poison gas, the warfare, administered in The First World War, which through moisture in the wi respiratory organs released hydrochloric acid, HCl, which is damaging eyes and respiratory tract of soldiers).

-500 Degrees Celsius: releases COF2 = carbonyl fluoride and hydrofluoric version of phosgene, the effects described above ...

-500 Degrees Celsius: releases HF = hydrofluoric acid, causing the decomposition of any tissue with which it comes into contact, causing pneumonia, edema, slows breathing, reduces the production of ATP = adenosine triphosphate, the basic chemical energy to the body.

-600 Degrees Celsius: releases CF3COF = three fluoro acetic fluoride, which decomposes into the next stage in trifloro acetic acid and HF (see above) and at the test rats induce osteoblasts and liver enlargement ...

-600 Degrees Celsius: releases OFCB = octo fluoro cyclo butane by which inhalation cardiac arrhythmia is caused, unconsciousness and death, and is suspected to damage DNA ...

-600 Degrees Celsius: releases PFB = per fluoro butane, which is the strongest global 'heater'. If the effect of CO2 on global warming is evaluated as a factor 1, the influence of the PFB's 8000 x stronger!
Not enough toxicity data are known yet.

-650 Degrees Celsius: releases CF4 = carbon tetra fluoride, (incidentally, by-product of aluminum production!) which has a factor of 'heating' 6000 x in relation to evaluation of CO2 effect on global warming as 1.
Causes damages to respiratory organs, irregular heartbeat, headache, lung damages, tremors, and coma.

The biggest problem is that once released in the environment, its life time is equal as some radionuclides, such as about 50,000 years!

Although the harmful effects of Teflon is already detected more than 60 years, even 30 years ago it was observed that induce genetic changes in newborns of women employed in the factory of Du Pont, only 80-ies years of the last century began research of the toxicity of its Teflon product which was believed is a safe product.

The results were devastating when they discovered the effect of PFOA per-fluoro oktanoidne acid, so toxicological data are 'swept under the carpet'.

Because of cover up the toxic facts of the Teflon, EPA fined Du Pont 2005 (in the year when our state toxicologist said that in his database is no data on the HARM effects of Teflon!) with 16.5 million dollars. Now please put this figure in proportion with 92 percent of the population of USA, who carry in blood Teflon decomposition compounds and ask yourself about the fairness and sense of the sentence.

Who is this money supposed to get?

In 2004 Du Pont has agreed to pay U.S. $ 300 million extrajudicial settlement of environmental pollution in rivers in West Virginia town of Parkersburg and Little Hocking in Ohio where the Ohio River was polluted by wastewater from the factory. Manufacturer has not admitted its guilt!

The tragedy is that the pollution was known to the Du Pont factory ever since 1984. and the Little Hocking residents were only let to know it 2002, eighteen years too late, when the four water supply sources were closed!


Let's follow the time line

-1950s was observed that workers in Du Pont factory have respiratory problems and suffer from pulmonary edema ...

-1980. 3M announced that PFOA is retained in the body for years ...

-1981. women-workers in the factory had two children born with abnormalities of the eyes and nostriles. The women had PFOA in their blood.

-3 M, the patentee repellent of rain and moisture, called Scotchgard, recognized 1976 the PFOA presence in the blood of the population, by check the blood of workers taking the test 1979. Only after 20 years of silence, and threatened that the EPA will ban the product and take legal steps, 3M withdrawn product from the market.

Until then it was not known that they produced the foil for food packaging based on Teflon!

-January 2002, the presence of PFOA detected in drinking water in
Little Hockingu. Teflon was detected in the water in the Georgia and Minnesota, where there are processors of Teflon.

-May 2003, EWG is conducted warming test, where has been observed that the collapse of Teflon occurs after a minute and a half since the beginning of warm-up and then begin the releasing the above written fractions of thermal decomposition the Teflon. It is interesting that the first released are dispersed Teflon PARTICLES and fumes comes after 3 minutes of warm-up begining, carrying them into the lungs and respiratory system of your body. Then the decomposition products of Teflon are already in your food!

EWG called this phenomenon 'Canary toxicosis' because the Teflons dishes killed the canaries, because they died out from exposure to toxic products of Teflon decomposition and the questioned is now is it yet our turn?!?

-May 15th 2003, EWG announced that Du Pont knew about that the exposure to Teflon decomposition fumes causes the disease called 'the polymer fume fever', which is a good description. It was known to lead to pulmonary edema and death.

-June 6th 2003, EPA starts testing the presence of PFOA fraction of decomposition of the Teflon in the residents blood, later PFOA was called persistent, bio accumulative and toxic through all limits ...

-June 10th 2003, EPA requests that producers disclose information on the toxicity of materials used in the production process. The game begins with excuses to confidential factory process ...

-July 15th 2004 EPA blames Du Pont on hidding the data on poisoning workers blood and the pollution of waterways ...

-January 11th 2005 Du Pont has published a study in which a Teflon increased LDL, low density cholesterol, or bad cholesterol in 10% of workers which in turn increases the risk of myocardial infarcts.

It is remarkable that the Italian manufacturer of Teflon Miteni noticed increased both forms of cholesterol, and 3 M in turn observes increased 15%!

-May 06th 2005, Du Pont allocated 15 million dollars in compensation fund for the payment of the final sentences because of intoxication the American babies by Teflon ...

-January 30th 2006, EPA published a statement calling Teflon 'probable human carcinogen. "

Tetra fluoro ethylene, the raw material from which the Teflon is polymerized IS on the list of IARC's (International Assotiation of Research on Cancer) as a carcinogen. CHECK IT!

-October 01st 2008, The attempt to ban the use of toxic materials in food packaging in California failed as the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger put his veto!

-March 07th 2011 EPA requires testing of drinking water to all irregular (??) pollutants, listed by the 28 pollutants, including 6 per flourinated chemicals: PFOA, PFOS, PFC ...

However, testing begins in 2013! So who survives, will enjoy the results ...

 By writting above article used data from internet sites of:
ABC Health&Wellbeing

Monday, July 9, 2012


 Residents of Lucko, downtown Zagreb, Croatia who protested
against placing mobile antenna tower are completely right,
their fears of radiation that comes from the mobile antenna
towers are well grounded. Because this nonionizing radiation
damages health, following the facts published by EMRRA
/ Electromagnetic Radiation Alliance of Australia /.

Very small density of radiation of 0.0004 micro watts per
square cm disrupts normal function of the brain which is
manifested by sleep disturbance, the possibility of damages
memory, and thus ability of learning, and lowers the immune system.

What is the radiation higher, the damage is worser and
more fatal.
Some 7 m distance from the source of such a radiation does not
protects no one, indeed, the strongest radiation faro
is in the zone 30 m distance from the tower, depending on the type and
capacity of transmitter. The transmitter tower and all
space around it has the strongest the radiation intensity and is described
In the literature as "inaccesible".

Electromagnetic radiation of the working towers deals with frequencies
that causes brain tumors, lymphomas,
memory and concentration problems, changes the pattern
brain, alters cell proliferation tissue,
causes chemical mutation of the blood, breaks blood brain barrier
which leads to premature Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's disease, etc. ...

The organs that contain
more waters and liquids are more endangered / bones are less than
eyes / problem causes not only the strength of the transmitter,
but ts frequency that can damage tissue.

Most affected are fetuses and babies, children, youth and
adults. Age limit does not provides a protection,
but quantity of radiation measured by SAR units that actually mean
the amount of radiation received per kilogram of body
weight. What the body weight is the smaller, a child is younger, smaller,
the SAR values bigger, so more radiation is received!
Obviously the problem is twofold: our Regulations on
The Highest Certified Power of the Tower Stations is made at
outdated the ICNIRP recommendations / the International committees
of nonionizing radiation/ the world scientists criticized
1999. those doses as too highly set.
So critics has come from Australia and New
Zealand, Sweden, USA, Italy ...
The works of dr .N. Cherry, Dr. H. Lai and
others who proved harm effect of the mobile towers, after all about
it the world congress was organized in our neighborhood
Vienna 1999, so the facts are known to the experts or at least they should be.

Another problem is that in our country there is no legislation that obliges
the owner of the rising tower to collect at least the consents of the neighbor tenants
because they are affected the worst.
Many of them do not have the building license, nor the consent of the
tenants who live in that buildings so the overnight the tower stands on your roof
although you did not know that anyone will place it there, practically on your head.
And you can not disconnect it nor touch it no remove it because you are
damaging someone's property!

It seems like for rising the mobile phone tower the license is not needed!!!
The piracy rules on this field of communications, and the illustration to this is the fact
for inst. that Ministry of Environmental Protection issued 38 licenses( according
the report of Novi List from February 16th 2002 )
and only on
the territory of Zagreb's Jarun-Knezija-Srednjaci-Vrbani
you may count down over 50 of them!
And we are talking about the territory smaller then 10 square kilometers!
Who truly knows how many mobile phone towers
are on the city territory?

So we have the situation that the tenants in the Street B. Magovca 165
are against mobile phone tower, but the tower is there and no one knows
who let them put it on the top of the building!!!. So, no one is responsible!
And the fact that our Environmental Ministry does know how many towers
are around in the city, because the number of issued licenses is far
lower that the number of towers you may count by your own vision, illustrates well
the situation of random setting the towers around...
WHO,World Health Organization recommended that
the mobile phone towers is not to be raised close to the residential buildings ,
nor near schools and kindergardens, but its clear not on the hotels and hospitals!!!
But this is not respected.
When my first article was printed in Zagreb's Jutarnji list on December 31st 2001.
about this problem, my phone was ringing all day because people were calling
to check if this was true: shocked parents whose children attended elementary Jordanovac,
so as me once, did not notice tower on the school's top!!!
But the tower is in Dobojska street,on the top of the secondary grammar school,
top of Hrgovici street 65, a building right across children's
kindergarden in Pandakoviceva, on the other side of the street there is another phone tower
radiating their bad energy to the students of elementary Bartol Kasic!
Elementary OS Precko has the phone tower.
Illustrative situation is in the street Hrgovici Jarun that has mobile phone towers
on the each 200-300 m and the street lenght is some 1,5 kilometers!
On the beginning of the street, on the opposite side there is T-Com building with
the reachly equiped tower. Some 200 meter away there is hotel 'Jarun' with the
tower on the top, over crossroad Hrgovici-Horvacanska the mentioned two
towers on each side of the street the one, just 300 m away of the
last tower on the top of the hotel...
In Klekova street, 100 m eastwards of the hotel there is another tower
on the top of the residential building, of course.

So what is your opinion, what density of radiation suffer the tenants of this street?

On January 7th 2001, Zagreb's Jutarnji list printed the article under the title:
"Soon the prohibition of mobile phone towers on the kindergardens, schools and hospitals, "
the statement of Mr. vice health minister Afric.

Now, 11 and half years later, I can only see that their number multiplied, and only two were dismantled at my best knowledge: on the island Krk and in Domany street 2, Zagreb.
This radiation is just like the nuke radiation: poses no color, smell or taste and
irreversibly destroys human health. The body registers cumulative effect,
remembers last received dosis of radiation and adds all received.

The worst affected according the EMMRA data sheets are infants,children, adults
and from organs, brain, eyes, lungs, sex organs...



The recommendation to place them at least 500 m away of residential areas no one respects.

Croatia is in the world's peak counting new cases of cancer.

IARC evaluated non-ionizing radiation as the potential carcinogenic.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Once was our toxicology in European top. Nothing that has not undergone check of the Jugoinspekt could not be offered for sale. Without their certificates were not be possible to get license to be put anything on our market. For example, the colleague in our company 'Kemikalija' then Savska 62, Zagreb, had denied license to put on the market the Chinese porcelain, because surface had leaded glass ...

In the pre Internet age without informations we were absorbing all the information, spreading informed our colleagues, organized a seminars to spreading it, because the Amiga and Atari will come only in a decade time and more far more later the internet ...

Agricultural and food products for testing, paid out of own pocket, Mr. SCI Goran Hrlec analyzed at the Institute for Plant Protection Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb, paying at the end the exposure to poisons through the years, by toll on his own health.

For his work on international consulting toxicologist seminar he got clumsy compliment, by DR. Milan Maceljski that in this area of ​​toxicology knows all only him and ... "... only one kid Hrlec ..."

(Wanted to say that due to age, thirty, Mr.Sci. Goran Hrlec gathered a remarkable knowledge on the toxicological problems because the toxicology interested him since high school.)

Germans today have "FOODWATCH" which also looks after the quality of food products, analyzing samples, so was the dioxin found in a fodder ...

Seminar on flame retardants such as held on April 14/15th 1981 at hotel Lav in Split, or the seminar on handling of methyl bromide, the first group of toxins, which are widely used for disinfection of tobacco in the Podravina,Croatia and in Macedonia, held on December 7/8 th 1981. organized by Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, Indiana, USA, on Bled Lake in Slovenia, organized by the writer of this blog ...

A week ago the Inex-Adria's flight to Corsica had accident, no one survived ...

A problem with bis-phenoles in the early 80-ies informed by Mr. Sci Stanka Jakovljevic Seljan, a technologist in the OKI, who is in her workplace developed patents.

Namely, then we still have the right to choose: glass baby bottles with plastic screw that was deformed during boiling sterilization, the content of the bottle leaked to the baby chest, so that we could hardly wait for the plastic bottle with a perfect 'sealing' as Mister Baby, Chicco ...But Stanka warned us that they are NOT safe but toxic...Then, over 30 years ago we knew that!

Then, this has being only the first ice cubes in an ocean of ignorance, and now unfortunately, the more knowledge is collected to the size of problems that shoots the eyes, more and more like that of icebergs that sank the Titanic, with the difference that it was than one vessel that took toll of thousands lives, and today is threatened ALL THE HUMANITY!

And it is unacceptable that in this time of the ruling of informatics, WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE GRATEST POLLUTERS OF OUR GLOBE, that we had them for decades in front of the our eyes, to paraphrase the movie "EYES WIDE SHUT" ours were also wide shut. By this unseeing we have slowly sliding down through the inexpensive, soft, comfortable plastic, bathed in the finest perfume scents to the EDGE OF SURVIVAL!

Because phthalates are responsible for decline of male fertility, which in the past 50 years, dropped for the same digit percentages!

Well enough with that introduction, what are phthalates after all?

Simply, esters of phthalic acid, chemists know, clear syrup liquid immiscible with water that does not dissolve it, but the oils that. Happiness is that they are poorly volatile, if at the phthalate luck exists ... There were syntesized in 20-ies of the last century, substituting camphor of heavy odor, but the already 1931 here they are as the softeners in PVC, di 2 ethyl hexyl phthalate, DEHP abbreviations.

They really found too broad application, very carelessly introduced, again without any toxicological tests in the gelling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, adhesives, but unfortunately as well in the cosmetics, detergents, medical equipment (eg bags and bottles of physiological solution, blood containers and bags, catheter, tubes...) vax for modeling, paints, inks for printers, raincoat waterproofs, perfumes, mascara, nail polish, liquid soap, hair sprays, a solvent for repellents ... but unfortunately in children's cosmetics, baby powders, bath shampoo. ..

Well, if we could have now that we have over 50 years ago, a collection of pure baby care products Babimira, Zagreb Central Pharmacy produced in the last century ... No preservatives, no harmful odors, colors, stabilizers, no phthalates ...

Maybe you will understand the full scale of the problem the fact that the production of phthalates in 2004 was ABOVE 350,000 tons, it is already 60 percent of products containing at least one sort of phthalates, today the figure is only grown!

PVC is a hard plastic, it would become softer by aplication of the softeners, more easily shaped, softeners are the phthalates. Phthalates from PVC consists of a mixture without covalent bonds and therefore more easily evaporate from the mixture out...

The release of phthalates had favored the aging of plastic that breaks and even easier and faster release phthalates. Although phthalates are unstable and susceptible to biodegradation, photodegradation( exposed to Sun rays aging faster), anaerobic decomposition, unfortunately they will do harm to your health before they degrade ...

The smaller molecules of radicals at the ends of esters are, such as methyl or ethyl, its volatility will be higher, so you will not even know you are breathing in phthalates from your fragrances, soaps, cosmetics, but as well floor tiles ... Precisely because of these properties, they are used for perfume and fragrance industry.

Due to global pollution by PVC, the relative low volatility of the phthalate plasticizer-PVC, DEHP, di 2 ethyl hexyl phthalate, may we call luck!.

It would be good to you write down these shortcuts and check the labels of products you buy, because the most manufacturers knowingly publishes the composition of its products, in order to avoid the most harmful ones:

DEHP- ethyl hexyl phthalate DI2-in PVC, the most widely used because its the cheapest
DIDP - di-phthalate decile
DINP - phthalate, di nonil
BzBP- butyl benzyl phthalate, in foaming PVC flooring
DMP - dimethyl phthalate, fragrance industry
DEP - diethyl phthalate, the same as the previous one, due to volatility penetrates into the body by inhalation, but also through the skin ...

The amount of phthalates in humans causes concern of the physicians, following the tests of the urine, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA.

Phthalates are, mostly found in oily foods like, milk, butter, fatty meats ...

The Canadian study of 90-ies of the last century has shown that children's exposure to phthalates is HIGHER in children than in adults. So DAILY EXPOSURE children to DEHP, diethyl hexyl phthalate, one softener for PVC was:

Infants 9 micrograms / kg weight / day

Children 14 " / " ​​/ "

Adults 6 " / " / "

Unfortunately, these phthalates has entered in infant and children's body through the use of the children's cosmetics!



Infants are most vulnerable because of the difficulty of the urine excretion from the body, due to undeveloped kidneys and affects the baby's the endocrine and reproductive systems ...

Unfortunately, the effect of phthalates that beset us every day, has not been explored sufficiently, only in 2008. U.S. National Research Council recommended testing the cumulative effect of phthalates and OTHER antiandrogens.

DEHP-phthalic PLASTICIZER PVC has IARC( The International As.for Research Cancer) European Commission and WHO, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, put on a list of the POTENTIAL CARCINOGENIC, because the tests on the rats PROVEN LIVER CANCER!

I recall, we wake up, Sleeping Beauty dream lasted "only" 78 years long, because phthalates are widely used since 1931. And yet we are capsized by the thorns that we are threatened by extinction ...No kiss can change it!


1990's- Canadian study, see above, it is expected that these figures are only enlarged

2004 - Sweden - Denmark study links phthalates with allergic diseases and asthma

2007 - USA study found that phthalates are responsible for weight gain and insulin resistance (type II diabetes)

2008 - U.S. National Research Council recommends testing

2008 - Bulgarian studies showed that children suffering from allergic diseases and asthma, have increased amounts of DEHP in the body

2009 - Journal of Pediatric revealed that exposure to phthalates of the fetus in the womb, reduces birth weight, which is THE MAIN CAUSE OF DEATH AT CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS IN THE USA, later on leads to cardiovascular disease in adulthood

2010- April-Environmental Health Perspectives suggests that PET packaging causes a disruption of the endocrine system and not only phthalates

2010- May-Swedish study showed that in homes with PVC flooring, and phthalic plasticizers that volatile through out them, are more frequent cases of autism in children who are likely got into the body of the fetus of pregnant mothers

In the PET packaging market there is a problem presence of antimony as well, which is used as a catalyst in the manufacturing of PET packaging because it penetrates the food and drinks.

WHO-World Health Organization, has set up a daily dose tolerance to 1%, while the polls in Britain showed that fruit juices contain 44.7 micrograms / liter of juice antimony which is nearly 10 x higher doses of the EU sets, the limits of 5 micrograms / liter.

Another problem is acetaldehyde, which penetrates the plastic content and spoils the taste ...
Acetaldehyde is known as the cause of intestinal bleeding and cause of stomach ulcer, therefore the buffered aspirine is recommended.

Limits with regard to the harmfulness of phthalates, a set unreasonably, because its aplicable only to the products for children and toys, and thus actually we play their own lives BECAUSE PHTHALATES ARE ALL AROUND US!

EU limits 0.1% by weight of plastics, for toys that are put into the mouth

USA-sanctioned that level

Australia-1% DEHP for all products, prohibition for trade license for those who cross the limit

THE DAILY GREEN-consumer guides for the green revolution, publications for consumers in the USA, published a guidance:

HOW TO AVOID phthalates in 3 steps:

Phthalates are known disruptors of the endocrine system, because they imitates body hormones; in laboratory tests have shown damaging the reproductive organs and nervous system (California has banned phthalates in baby products and toys 2009.). With such an enormous production of phthalates it is difficult to avoid them.

Many manufacturers avoid the label that put their products contain phthalates. But there are exceptions that are really with no phthalates, carry the label "phthalate free".

1 - Read the label content of products: DEP and DBP come in cosmetics, paints, deodorants, perfumes, after shave-a, shampoos, hair gels, lotions for the hands. And BzBP also comes in cosmetics.
DEHP in PVC plastics, and in medicinal products
BzBP was in flooring, car products, and cosmetics industries.
DMP in repellents, plasticizer, the rockets for Space Research-(fine, but also polluting the universe phthalates!)

2 - Be careful with the term "fragrance" because it is a combination of compounds, potentially contain phthalates

3 - Buy and only use plastics with recycling codes 1,2,5. Codes of 3,7 is very likely contain phthalates

Irresponsibility in concerning problem of the devastating effects on phthalates is frightening. They are used to 'paint' pills in the pharmaceutical industry to have a more beautiful glow! But that endanger people's health, children and pregnant women! A pharmaceutical industry is not a branch of economy who has no idea what the phthalates are. They have enough chemists staff employed at the plants!


I am asking myself for a long time one question: if we phased out freon to protect the atmosphere, if we reduce CO2 emissions, relatively innocent and wrongly accused on global warming, to climate protection,


With over 350,000 tons per year of new phthalates produced, WHEN  WE WILL BAN THEIR PRODUCTION OR AT LEAST LIMIT IT?

I do not think that we are not concerned, because Croatia Vinyl Chain closes with Italy in one according to report in Novi List, Rijeka, Croatia, so the largest island of Krk will have a difficult, hard fate ...

And all of us, of course, only that it still not known to us!