Friday, April 25, 2014


Indigenous protesters occupy Peru's biggest Amazon oil field

Around 500 Achuar protesters are demanding the clean-up of decades of contamination from spilled crude oil
 Tatijana Malacko
What to say then this is the way we all must do.
Only a drop of crude oil can make tone of waters irreversibly polluted. The exploiting of the oil fields produced googoliard and even more such the drops.This pollution has no end, it say the quality of waters will be only worsening by each day on...

Amazon flows into Atlantic ocean polluting it too. Not only water but fishes and all life of the ocean...So as many accidents from Exxon-Valdez on ( and before too).

The population of the people living alongside of the banks of Amazon river use this waters in daily life.

Did any one showed concern how many condensated aromatic compounds( benzene, anthracene, phenanthrene...), mercury, do they have in their bodies? The drilling company controls it?!? The doctors without borders...?

If the people are maybe not aware of the danger coming out from the poisoned waters, the authorities MUST TAKE CARE ABOUT, for RIGHT ON THE UNPOLLUTED ENVIRONMENT IS THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, having diploma of The Chemistry Faculty or being illiterate anyway.

For each of the above mentioned compounds are heavy cancerogenic compounds!

They drink this water, they use it for cooking, they wash their clothes in it, they fish fishes, actually poisoned, eat it... From this circle they can not find the way out...

During my life time the Amazon rain forests faced ex-rooting 2/3 in size.
The tribes are dieing poisoned by not only crude oil in waters then far worse mercury that comes from diggers of the gold using mercury to amalgamate gold.
Imagine a human being who lost 2/3 of its lungs, what quality of life this being can have, what all we have?

Not long ago UK was choking in smog, but this is our future.
Indonesian rain forests are set on fire that chokes Chinese people, only to get more agriculture soil.

The worst pollutant of the nature are the humans.

Seven billions of us produce CO2 by each exhaling the stream of the air.
By ex-rooting the forestry, the 'green factories of O2' what we are doing?
I repeat, during my life time the population on the Earth tripled, and from the 'green lungs' of the planet remained only 1/3 size!

How long we will be able to breath???

The numbers and facts are speaking our bad future story, but seems like we are not ready to hear it.
It's a pity for it's no more five minutes to twelve but twelve and five minutes...

We ALL must wake up, replant forests, be more responsible to our mother Earth, show more respect for the gifts given.

Not only on the April 22nd, the Day of Earth, that was just four days ago...

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


UK smog alert: vulnerable people advised to stay indoors

Warning comes as air pollution is expected to reach eight or nine on a 10-point scale in much of southern UK

Follow the latest developments on our live blog

Tatijana Malacko
Certainly the air pollutions are rising up all over the globe, and true is some comments warning that this is not only imported pollution, but 'home made' as well.
But this is only diagnosis not the cure.
I do remember the smogs in UK from 60-ies when the sulphuric acid was making the holes to the female stockings: SO2+H2O=H2S03 that was not innocent at all, but at that times many were heating homes by coal which thermal decomposition produced SO2(and other compounds...)
But this pollution is of different type!
The sulphuric acid can certainly cause damages to the breathing system,that are irreparable damages.True is that once crude particles entered the lungs, there is no way to get them out, most of them are remaining in the lungs life long.
The vehicle gaseous are not innocent either.The old gasoline with tetra ethyl lead was poisoning us by lead, the 'unleaded gasoline' leaves behind the chloro- benzene that is carcinogenic. So what we did?
Exchanged the one harm compound by the another.
We can not influence the wind blows in this or that direction, Sahara sands gets to Europe since Sahara exists.
But we can influence vapors and fumes from the factories,refineries, incinerators for simply there are the filters that could be placed into chimneys and reduce pollution. But, they say, they are expensive.
Then, means, our health is cheap???!
And please, do understand that this pollution will get to the soil, the rain will rinse it from the air and we will get the nice clean, fresh air, but polluted soil, into the soil we will throw seeds and eat food: from polluted air we got polluted soil and polluted waters...
Therefore this problem goes around and since we will not come to conclusion we have to reduce environmental pollution to the possible low level, we will not make any progress in protection our health, health of our children and their children too...
My question is: if Sahara sands can get to the UK, how far can get GM pollen from maize fields, soya fields, oil rape fields etc...
For the pollen is far easier by weight then the sand.