Thursday, January 9, 2014


Britons are actually lucky people having Mr. Dr. Christopher Exley, professor at The Keele University who studies ever since 30 years, the problems of harm effects on the human health and environment caused by Aluminium, the third mostly spread chemical element on our mother Earth.

Just to mention that clay, widely spread sediment is a sort of alumino-silica compound, but nice and precious emerald as well.

If the Australian residents, of East Australian coast, having problem with high level of Aluminium in tap water turn to this expert for the  reply, they will knock on the right doors instead calling for help Mrs. Brockowitch, who is only the lawyer and could not help them.

So what has Mr Christopher Exley found out?

Unfortunately, that normal human cells turn, in presence of Aluminium (Al), into cancer cells that soon turns into metastasis. This Aluminium we are coming in touch with has not necessarily has to come from tap water we are taking bath or shower, may come from food packages, remedy packages, but may come from the cosmetics means too:  in his documentary I watched in ARTE channel, he mentioned that 2/3 cosmetic products such as deodorants have Al in their formula...

Aluminium, once entered the body, the lymph system transfers all over the body.

Just look around how many  the Al foil are used to pack potato chips, frozen vegetables and fruits, decks on yogurt, fresh cheese, remedies, chewing gums...

What about the Aluminium kettles, pots, dishes, ready made food for you have just to heat it and eat it...

Nice, comfortably, deadly.

Have you known that certain amount of the Aluminium in French vines is responsible for their bouquet ( coming from bauxite from their soil. recently heard in channel 24Kitchen), or at least they believe so...But not only grapes, all that grows on the soil reach on Aluminium sucks it by the root system and incorporates in its body plant.

But, my hair rises up the newly seen data in TV that 75 percent world cans for beverages and beers are made of Aluminium, and the data says 25 percent are made of steel. For the last data although seen by my eyes, I am not that convinced is truth, from simply reason why that the can would exceed value of content and this deal would not be producing profit. 

The planes, depend on size, can be made of 30 tons of the Aluminium parts.
Your car are made from the 75 percent of Aluminium parts.

Aluminium is nice, silver like metal when new, very light, and unfortunately cheap that caused its over use nowadays. But its evil nature to be soluble in acids as well in hydroxides or basis as the chemists call them, causes a lot of problems and has to limit its over use only to totally neutral liquids of pH=7 and neutral food as well.

Coca cola is actually acid, beer is neither neutral, even milk acid can dissolve Aluminium in certain amount. The fresh cheese is acid due to milk acid. Many sodas are neither neutral.

Any acid, as mentioned above, as mild as soda water, CAN dissolve certain amount of Aluminium can, that is the package of the same, and as longer in contact with the package the more Aluminium will penetrate in the content of liquid or food, the more you will intake drinking or eating the content. 

The whole dissolved Aluminium content goes of course into beverage and your body when you take it in. Once penetrated yours body it starts its deadly game with your nerves, yours cells, yours DNA...

The chemical fact is that Aluminium comes in nature together with the lead, so please do not wrap your sandwiches into it.

Only ever since 2011, THE  IARC of THE WHO classified Aluminium  production  into group 1 that means THE CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS.

Also, pregnant women exposed to Aluminium are endangered, for Aluminium can be trespassed to fetus (fetotoxicity) through out the placenta, says 'Green Sheets' quoting data of THE ECHA, The European Chemical Agency.

Aluminium causes damages to nervous system causing its premature aging.

That something is wrong with this element doctors noticed over the forty years ago at the young dialysing patients who, at this process, used Al compound and showed symptoms of Alzheimer disease in very early age.

The worst accident that proves the toxicity of Aluminium happened 1988 in small Cornwall town Camelford where 20 tons of Aluminium sulphate from near by factory, was dumped into  local river, that was unfortunately reservoir of drinking waters for the residents.
Factory remained silent for the next 16 days denying harm of waters giving advice to the local people to take the juice to cover up 'slightly changed taste' of water.
But, Aluminium sulphate is the salt of weak base and strong acid, it means that acid dissolved copper pipelines; the herd of sheep drinking that water died out in no time.

After that in several years came Alzheimer disease...

Mrs. Carol Cross, resident of  Camelford, died on Alzheimer, had 32 micrograms/kg per body weight of Aluminium.

Acceptable dose that cause no damages is 1 micrograms/kg body weight/week.

Safe cosmetics has content of Aluminium less then 0,6 percent.

Please read the labels!

Alzheimer disease occur on the level of 4 - 5 micrograms/kg body weight/week.

The big problem is that  some Aluminium products  are used in purifying waters.

We, students of The Technology Faculty University of Zagreb, were taught that for inst. due to the big molecules of Al (OH)3, this compound is widely used for water purifying and it was truly widely spread as the purificant for water purification!

But the studies has shown that there where the Aluminium compounds are used in that purpose, the outbreak of Alzheimer disease is as twice  bigger then there where no Al compounds are used in that purpose.

For inst. city Paris, France is using iron compounds, somehow more expensive technology, but healthier.

So, what is the more important, public health or saving the money?

Although I must mentioned being told by doctor, 90-es last century. that iron can trigger spread of the cancer.

The residue of purificant always exists, it remains after the purification process, in some amount in waters.

In October 2010 the ecocide happened in Kolontar, Hungary, the waste deposit of The Aika Aluminium Factory, broke out and from that reservoir there, the 1 million cubic meters spread over village Kolontar, killing several people.

The pollution reached out Danube river and by its waters further on.
I have no data if the Serbian authorities are monitoring the level of Aluminium in waters from that river which waters the capital of Serbia drinks.

In Aika case, there was the basic solution of Aluminium responsible for caused damages, but as I said, the evil nature of Aluminium comes out from its amphoteric nature, that says its equally soluble in the acids as in the hidroxides.

Please, keep it in mind when coming in touch with this metal.