This article is comment on "Eko Kvarner's" dismissal request of the environmental minister Zmajlovic,
printed in Novi list, November 11th 2012.
Published: November 12, 2012 at 18:25
Unfortunately, the environment is polluted by man quickly, and passionately, but slowly if at all possible, the pollution is cleansing. Conclusion that the problem is as old as Russian oil refinery in Bosanski Brod is true, but we can not blame only the Russian oil for it, or any other oil, because byproducts of refining, variations in percentages, they are all harm, not just benzene, many of them are carcinogenic! Aromatics have a long and evil, known history.
Unfortunately, the environment is polluted by man quickly, and passionately, but slowly if at all possible, the pollution is cleansing. Conclusion that the problem is as old as Russian oil refinery in Bosanski Brod is true, but we can not blame only the Russian oil for it, or any other oil, because byproducts of refining, variations in percentages, they are all harm, not just benzene, many of them are carcinogenic! Aromatics have a long and evil, known history.
The smoke is consisting of the condensed aromatic nuclei, nitrogen compounds, sulfur compounds, unfortunately some as sulfur dioxide with moisture in the lungs give sulphurous acid, which is not only irritating, but also over the long term damaging lungs by corrosion. By the same pattern acts N02. Hydrogen sulfide is known to turn smell rotten eggs, but when used in large quantities deadens sense of smell, deceiving us that is not present but is in turn in a BIG, DEADLY AMOUNT!
Otherwise, the hydrogen sulfide belongs to the same group as the poison cyanide, the infamous Zyklon B, which were used in the concentration camps in World War II to kill the concentration camp prisoners ... And when we're up to the concentration camps prisoners, the parallels come to my mind, with published statistics that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide is not normal, but UNDERNEATH it! NICE! This is what the Nazi leaders of the camp could use as the defense at the Nuremberg Trials: the concentration of hydrogen cyanide was typically below lethal in average, only in the days of poisoning poor innocent victims, was far over it ... On average. Camp prisoners could not be poisoned, they must have died from some mysterious, yet undiscovered illness and literally every each one! Statistics is very nice for juggling, but we do not need it.
The fact is that even at the beginning of 2000-es, Mrs Dorica Nikolc said that the fight for a clean environment is very nice, but since then nothing has been done really ... Well, now some will tell that it is not so: that: we set up monitoring stations showing us contamination, when they are in function...
But is that the air made cleaner, water less problematic, food strictly controlled? No. I understand the minister in charge Mr. Zmajlovic, because since Mr. Kovacevic, our relevant ministers have managed to overlook a lot of pollutions ...
So from where to start now? Disposal of waste? Sava purity of water Zagreb and all downstream from river Sava, citizens drink, and cellulose factory in Krsko enriches by the dioxin ... Krsko not only pollute by nuke and their the radio nuclides ...Incineratery facility "Puto" set on firefew years ago, made us unwished gift of dioxin poisoning and only God knows what else, the analysis never done nor published ... JANAF recognizes over 300 ruptured pipelines, spilled oil is still in the soil, no one can, however, and even one will, to remove it. There is no magician stick for it. Population is for some time provided by water in tankers, but these are permanent pollution ...
Prime minister Milanovic is tangled in energy saving bulbs, but we always catch the last wagon train. Thanks to them, the energy saving bulbs, mercury falls with rain falling on the fields of wheat and other crops, not just tuna fish is full of mercury .. Energy saving bulbs radiate almost like nuke Krsko, give a bad light, when spent they should be disposed in the special containers for hazardous waste because they belongs there.
Newborns are born with tumors, is ANYBODY wondered why???
Why our citizens population of Kvarner islands above average get cancer but living in "clean" air environment ...The refinery Urinje poisons... The question is not Ms. Holy or Mr. Zmajlovic or XY ... The question is why do we ignore the existence of the problem.
The question is why we do nothing.
Because ecology is also not throwing trash, papers, cigarette butts in the streets. Ecology is not to run the dogs on the playgrounds, ecology is pick up what dogs leave behind ... A metal pet waste oils belongs into a special container and not into the ground polluting it and furthermore the water basins.
We have neatly stored one problem after another. We do not need the minister but Jesus Christ to solve all the problems, because only he could have solve them all ... Until then both, the people in Slavonski Brod so as in Bosanski Brod ( divided by the river Sava only), while praying, adds one sentence more: "... God let us a strong wind blowing today ..."
I have seen that this post is read by quite lots of people, but please do not understand it wrong. I DO NOT underrate the problems of Slavonski Brod citizens and my sympathy are with them. I wanted them to know that it do not only stinks, but it damages health of citizens for they truly do HAVE THEIR RIGHT TO BREATH THE CLEAN AIR!
This what I wanted to tell, but it is not written explicitly enough is that there where the refineries are, the problems are almost the same: Urinje refinery does the same damages to the people and to the environment, Sisak refinery as well, Slavonski Brod through out Bosanski Brod, the same! The problem is that the refineries are built up in the cities and no one then, when decision was made about building them up, realized what torture this will be to the settlers...
But it should have been considered!!!
Just by the chance I lived in Caprag, down town of Sisak for several years in my childhood. I know what does it mean when you can not open the windows and how bad is when through out closed windows black clouds of pollution gets into your rooms: we were poisoned by the iron and steel factory Sisak where my father worked in...The tap water run yellow, had to be boiled...
And yes, there are the filters that could filtrate smokes from the refinery but due to the crude particles in the smokes, the filters will be blocked and useless in no time. They are expensive, but the health of the people is not cheap neither. The fact that the refinery belongs to the other state rises up the problem to the international level that only politics can solve:can and have to!
But the problem is that this situation is not only up to the good will of some one, the contradictory interests are impacting and make it far tougher than the chemistry complicates it.
So I truly wish them to solve the problem as soonest but, sorry, I am afraid that it might not be so...
January 19th 2013.
I see that this article is the most read on this blog, because of reason why the concerned citizens have no other source of infos that will satisfied their concern. And their concern has grounds!
There were comments then, when the other heating mean will be used, such as the gas instead of coal there will be no problem for the citizens of both Brod's. At my opinion, the pollution of air did not made only heating gasses released by natural process of burning, but mixture of burning gases and gases released by process of the refining of the oil. Most of the sulfur gases and some crude particles comes from processing just the Russian oil that is known of having the highest part of sulfur in it so already by drilling it, the problems occur because this sulfur blocks the pipes...
Both problems could be sold in no time by installing the filters that seeks additional investment, but the investment in medical treatment and the remedies costs the money too.
So please, be honest and tell the people openly why their health is on the rocks because they have right to know that! Health not only elderly people, but babies and children is imperiled too. That have to be our main concern and accelerator in our action towards achieving clean air.
Because they have right to have it!!!
There is sentence: Help yourself so Lord will help you too...
Therefore, please, citizens of both Brod, sign the petition requesting installing filters because it CAN be done and OUGHT to be done ASAP. Take care for this petition to be handled to the owners of the refinery, because they are obliged by law, or have to be, to provide the most safe process in refinery not only for the environment but for the refinery workers too... I wish you good luck...
Remind the owners that the most precious you have, your health is damaged, day by day by the vapor and gases coming from refinery; the price of filters is not your concern, but the price of healing your damaged health is...
I wish to remind you that you can write your comments or put your question and I will reply to them by my best knowledge. Thank you for reading my blog, best luck in your action!
Update 3:
May 15th 2013:
Dear citizens of both Brods, Slavonski and Bosanski Brod, PLEASE do sign petition on installing the filters in refinery RIGHT AWAY, because the announced news in media for refinery goes in renewing and redoing the process if ever starts, will take times and the still days are coming and therefore there will be no wind to dilute released poisons in the air, so their presence in the air will reach the critical values many times from now on.
Please, also, keep in mind that the problem might be bigger than it looks like at the firs sight: all of that poison pollutants will get down to the ground sooner or later, polluting ground and all what grows on it, it says that the imperiled citizens are not only BREATHING IN polluted air, they EAT polluted crops and DRINK polluted water, because this is the natural circle of processes in nature.
They may do in refinery what they want but THE FILTER FIRST, P L E A S E!!!
The filters will not disturb the process of renewing, but can help imperiled citizens to breath the cleaner air.
So, the mayors of both cities sit down, and please work out your strategy to protect yours citizens lives, but what ever your conclusion comes out, first step done yesterday MUST BE FILTERS FIRST!!!
Because yours citizens have right to have clean air and environment, this is their basic right!