Sunday, August 26, 2012


E mail sent to Novi list, Rijeka, printed in July 2001.

For column: Reactions: In addition article Croatia is building a huge nuclear waste disposal
TO: 1 recipient

Ladies and gentlemen of the editorial board of the New List,

Reading title of this article I felt goose bumps, reading
article further more, I shuddered stronger! Come on,
people, what are we doing??? Who was mad to bring
such a decision on the construction? Why you did not take the statement
of the Environment Minister Kovacevic? Does anyone in our country understand,
what means stocking 18,000 cubic
meters of radioactive waste approximately 80 km southeast of
Zagreb, when Krsko nuke plant is for 40 km to the west?


This is precisely what we
need! And no reactions of authorities, however did
none of them has a conscience?
Are we are the problem of radioactivity of neighbor country
solving by pushing the nuke waste to Bosnians to their border in Kostajnica?

Like, radioactivity will spread just to the south, we are
saved. Well, I'm sorry that movie does not play, because
radioactivity neatly laid out within the circle of harmed
places! Towards Croatia too!
Even if Croatia needs actually to take radioactive
waste from Krsko plant, how actually there are tons, drums...of it?
Does really 18,000 cubic meters or someone 'smart' but 'thoughtful'
want to earn good money taking somebody else's, not radioactive
waste, but radioactive death for all of us? '

Does anyone from architects really think they could design
disposal perfectly RADIOACTIVE TIGHT?!? Are they
really so naive?!
Gentlemen, go down to the city Stone, the destructive effect
last earthquake you can still see there. Can you
indeed guarantee that this will be the perfect
PROVE THAT?!? By endangering our lives???
Build a nuclear waste disposal in QUAKE UNSAFE ZONE
is equal to expectation the safe sailing of the boat or ship
with pierced bottom. I'm sorry I'm not naive enough to buy

Your attempts to convince me are choking me, stopped in my throat.

Who can measure the radioactivity of 18,000 cubic meters of the
radioactive waste??? By what equipment?Geiger dosimeter? Forget Sieverts and
millisieverts, Bequerels, units which we measured
radioactivity of the Chernobyl accident, and IT WAS
If there is no such device that
can endure so much RADIOACTIVITY to measure it? Giga,
or Terabecquerels? Who will dare to go down to disposal lot to
MEASURE IT??? In case of leaking of the radioactivity -
cracking of steel concrete, caused by the earthquake
or something else, who will dare to send workers
closer to this hell on earth to patch it???
What Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they will be dead before
coming to leaking place! And we all with
them soon, very soon. And the creators of this idiotic idea too!
How many Chernobyl nuclear power plant radioactivity the creators
of that mighty idea think shall be stored on the territory of the touristic
No less important is this: I think the creators of
waste disposal hope that Croatia will be allowed to enter Europe
with 18,000 deadly ballast, so that the hot
deadly potato we will hand them over to solve the problem for us ?!? Forget it!
They have to many of the waste and to many problems with it, too.

But get real, the problem lies elsewhere. Russia to which they have
tried to push such a 'convenient collection point' of waste disposal
deadly nuclear waste said NO!
Logically, we need it now to store it
elsewhere!But where?!? The answer lies in
front of our legs. LITERALLY!
Just to remind you, Krsko has done it.
Twenty years has just passed. There is no magic
wand that will make it safe for the environment
ever, even when it's put still. Incidentally, costs
of preservation are higher than the costs of construction, I wish
I would be wrong! Greenpeace Austria notes on
its website a number of accidents in the plant.
Why we do not know of anyone?
Or someone knows. What's
happened on March 1st 2000 when broadened the rumor not
to drink tap water from Sava river because it is polluted.
The people from Istria were calling relatives in Zagreb to warn them. Too late,
of course, because we are the last one to know ...

The woman, working as the pediatrics in Slovenia then, confirmed
me having heard air raid sounded, that marked accident in Krsko...
Does the average citizen of Croatia knows what she/he
should know? Does they know how the samples are taken for
water analysis? Does they know that they are waiting for once a week
samples arrive from Slovenia, so we have only average weekly sample
united for measurement that gives only the average
radioactivity? Rather than take the troubled getting to Sava river to grab the water
daily and analysing it, asking Krsko what that peaks means!?!

As far as I'm concerned that radioactivity in the Krsko nuke plant,
Slovenians will treat adequate with care and thoroughly, but I am very
concerned of the radioactivity river Sava near Zagreb, for solving
this issue should concern us all!
And do not assume that the radioactivity that
comes from Krsko is indeed zero.

The radioactive waste is used fuel from the nuke plants consisting from 1 pct of
plutonium, 96 pct of uranium and the rest are so called fission products, highly
radioactive. So its not THE WASTE but DEADLY RADIOACTIVE WASTE!
At the reprocessing it, the environment is highly polluted and polluting each day of
the air, ground and the sea waters...
The 'production' of waste in 2000 was at the level of 220,000 tons, and it growths
each year 10,000 tons more so today level would be 340,000 tons at least...

There are three polygons
of reprocesing radioactive waste in Europe,
Sellafield British, French La Hague, and Russian Cheljabinsk.
British facing the Irish Sea as we would our waste disposal
should be facing Bosnia, such as Hungary
nuclear power plant faces Osijek...
In the hinterland of La Hague, the concentration of the
radionuclides / within 35 km, which corresponds to an almost
distance from Zagreb to Krsko / in soil and water, measured
override the results of the pollution that came from
the Chernobyl disaster in 2900 and the ground water 140 times!

In Britain, the radioactivity was measured in the teeth of all the children
that were taken extracted teeth.
Analysis showed the value of strontium 90, 1000 x
times the allowable concentration of plutonium.
Of course, the teeth were extracted because wrinkling
bone for analysis was very painful, but it indicates
condition in the bone system of the whole organism. Strontium,
that belongs to group 2 of the periodic system, as well as calcium
has similar properties as calcium, so strontium replaces calcium in the bones,
a very harm mechanism...
Hence, to the bone marrow from the bone is very close...
Blood is produced in the bone marrow.
So the first sign of exposition to radioactivity shows our blood by various
types of blood abnormalities.

I hope you have carefully read the above, written as
the point is, that relates to all kids of UK, and only one plant
exists on the coast of the Irish Sea, Sellafield. This one
irradiated the entire population of UK.
But Sellafield has so far reprocessed several thousand tons of the
waste, and the creators of the brilliant idea Kostajnica disposal
had to take care of 18,000 cubic
meters radiactive waste. / To know specific gravity would easily calculate
as far as tone /.
Further, French doctors have studied the incidence
leukemia in La Hague, not a elderly people one, but the young
people. In a sample of 192 people found that 27 people
under 25 who are suffering from leukemia., thus
considered that the causal relationship between
radioactivity and leukemia is proven!
For those who know German please check
Information on the site:
A970910.HTM and also: / GP WHILE 3P /
/ If you do not do it, go to Greenpeace Germany,
Presseerklaerungen vom 8.1 1997-Atomkraft /
Furthermore, do not think that Krsko is a single plant
in our surroundings. In Hungary we have a nuke 'across the street'
then a little further Bulgarian/Romanian border Kozloduj 4 reactors in Bulgaria, and
Mochovice and Bohunice in Slovakia, all type of Chernobyl.
Moreover Ukraine plans to construct Hmeljnjicki 2 and Rovno
4! / B. Incidentally Hmreljnjicki was Ukrainian Duke
that wanted to save Ukraine from the invasion of the Turks signed
pact with Russia and Ukraine thus lost its
independence and regained it only after collapse of the USSR.
Ukrainians were cursing him for centuries because of lost independence
but it seems that his symbolic name brings only bad to Ukraine people
by destroyed lives and polluted land-by Chernobyl disaster/

I invite all your readers to come forward and make their contribution
to the discussion of whether we need nuclear waste disposal.
In the article states 'moral obligation'... Why is there a moral obligation
only of Croatia, but Slovenia does not comply with the moral obligation and repay
depositors of Ljubljanska bank foreign exchange savings that they owe us since collapse of Yugoslavia?

This article was printed in Novi list in July 2001.